How did the Horde and the “good Forsaken” let the experiments the Forsaken were doing in Undercity and other zones?
Like, didn’t anybody stop and said “Hey, this is not morally correct, we should stop this!”.
Didn’t the Horde said nothing about that? And this means there is no good Undead Forsaken?
I would like to RP a good/neutral Forsaken but how would he react about the atrocities the Forsaken did?
Really, if it’s about RP, the best explanation is probably lack of unbiased information. There isn’t an obvious way to ignore campaigns against lordaeronian farmers, city-blightings, apothecary experimentation and the different mind control techniques the Forsaken used, when the character witnessed it. But as a relatively “normal” person you wouldn’t have to know about it, or would only know the Forsaken state propaganda version of events. There is no internet where you can see the atrocities far away on Youtube. There is just word of mouth, and going by Before the Storm that was relatively tightly controlled by Sylvanas’ government. And the parts that the character heard could easily be justified by “Well, it’s war, and they started it by…”
Easy. Creativity is your clay to mould and that applies to any concept so long as it does not breach the walls so to speak.
Your idea does not seem far-fetched at all in this regard. As awful as you might see the Forsaken has done, there are those that stand apart from that ideal to pursue their own things. An example of this being Alonsus Faol and his unbending devotion to the Light despite being Undead and feeling the burns.
Distorted sense of morality and lack of restraint, in situations considering such a thing is one of the key pillars behind the fantasy of the Warcraft undead. Their attachments to people or ideals become generally perverse and obscessive to an unhealthy degree. Calia is the singular exception here, in that her very existence is inconsistent with established lore regarding undeath. (There are a lot more things like that, from recent years unfortunately. I don’t mean expanding lore i mean going directly against it with reckless abandon) Generally speaking when they think something has to be done hell or high water they will do it, without giving a pause to such things as alignment chart. A Good Forsaken character would likely be focussed around their good qualities like comradery, powerful resolve, orderly baring and self sacrifice for the benefit of the collective. A good example is Commander Blemont.
AS far as the PC default perspective baseline goes you’re a profit driven mercenary, who doesn’t care and carries allegience truly only to themselves. Anything else are embelishments.
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