Forsaken Hub


Are there any Forsaken hubs or events happening?

Would like to occasionally mingle with fellow undead.



The Rotgarde can be found around in Lordaeron (Brill, the Sepulcher, Tarren Mill)

right now, we’re sitting around in Brill


You can probably catch The Forlorn Order In the Sepulcher! worth checking out, nice bunch and they do travel about a fair bit too!


Huh. Curious. I thought Brill wasn’t in a functional state at the current in story? They’ve only just started cleaning up ‘three years’ ago, and it was meant to be a slow process?

They started rebuilding 3 years ago, and the Blight etc is removed aswell, with that one quest where players unlock dark ranger customisations!

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Someone sorta has to do the cleaning to be fair.

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Thought they only started removing with that quest.

I think the culmination of that was they literally gobsmacked the Blight away; hence why they’re all chilling in Lordaeron. (Undercity is a goner, tho).

And rebuilding a town like Brill, which is basicly their biggest city next to Capital City itself, would probably been done in a few years tops. Its to important to not rebuild as soon as possible!

Yeah, something that isn’t particularly seen if you’ve not visited Tirisfal after the quest is that the BFA Tirisfal phase on your character has been replaced with the one from the questline.

Tirisfal is habitable by the Forsaken right now to such a degree that Lordaeron City is being used as their capital at the moment. It has a lot of neat NPCs in it, including Alonsus Faol, a lot of the Undercity NPCs, the entire Desolate Council, the Dark Ranger gang, a portal room with NPCs and different portals, and even that elf from the War of the Thorns that got murked by Malfurion and then got ressed. Brill has also been updated, and it’s inhabited as well.

Oh, and, after you do the quest, Forsaken Refugees disappear from Orgrimmar and appear in Lordaeron City in the post 9.2. questline phase.

Though, I don’t blame people for not knowing about all this if they roleplay on Alliance side or only in Orgrimmar! The only time I’ve seen non-forsaken roleplayers mention the phase, it’s to mention the 5 Scarlet NPCs that are bugged as hell because of the botched phasing of the outer regions which are ‘totally canon’ (despite three of them swimming around in a lake and two of them being stuck under the world map).


As some have said, the Sepulcher is not a bad place to look. The caveat being that RP in general is in a bit of a weird spot with lots of people still neck deep in the new expansion and the holidays being just around the corner.


Damn that is a lot of neat chanages
to bad its locked behind a quest I don’t want to repeat 25+ times.

I think you only need to be lvl 60 after doing it once.

I have done it at least 3 times, twice on a hunter and once on my main, but that was when it was current content.


New drinking game: Roleplay with a friend who has done all the quests in Lordaeron and 9.2 on a completely new character and walk around every zone of it. Everytime either of you phases out, take a shot.


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