Forsaken language?

Man why cant forsaken speak to humans? Did they forget their language? Belves can talk with velves so whats going on?


No jaw, but seriously if I remember correctly was changed early in game to stop griefing.


Actually…I would like to know as well. If belfs can speak with velfs cross faction, it should work with humans and forsaken as well.

The Undeath corrupted their language as well :wink:

Found proof

The real-world explanation for the fact that undead aren’t able to speak Common is simply because the developers don’t want players communicating across factions. In the Beta, the undead player characters spoke Common (besides Orcish) and thus could communicate with Alliance characters. This led to a huge amount of vitriol and bile that was spewed both ways, so this functionality was removed and Gutterspeak was introduced.

In the game, neutral undead NPCs are capable of speaking to the Alliance.

There is a lore explanation as well, in Before the Storm it was mentioned that they remember but don’t use to denounce old life and embrace new Forsaken way of things.

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The forsaken isn’t corrupted. They are undead…

Their souls get corrupted if they become Undead.

Indeed the Void is scared of them due to their corruption resistance.

Lol…this is just a lame excuse from blizzard. People playing forsaken and humans are more prone to be toxic cross-faction then people playing belfs and nelfs?


As lame as your feedback is constractive, so I guess its balanced :slight_smile:

People just don’t want to listen to feeble minded rotters.


Now here’s constructive feedback…o wait.

Now this…is actually lame…lore- wise. The forsaken are cunning and ruthless. If they can get an advantage by understanding the enemy why would they refuse to speak and somehow force themselves to not understand common…same goes with humans.

Per Before the storm lore, as i wrote, they do understand, but they chose to stop using it upon rebirth as it reminded them of old life.
Per real life stuff, as i also mentioned, griefing was too hard in Beta.

Times change…
Now it has no solid arguments behind imho. but no-one has bothered yet to bring this stuff up, or at least in a constructive enough way to bring B attention.

I think it’s probably just a a left over remnant from an era when we didn’t have any ability to speak to someone cross faction. The others are much more recent additions to the game and can speak to each other.

It would seem to make sense that they could still speak to their human counter parts after they had become undead.

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Yeah, its about time they went back on that. There’s enough stick in the game to punish the abusers with. We can kind of get around it already. Few times an alliance would add me on to just say something as in: rare spawn just got killed.

The harsher communications usually happen in PvP, they could and should disable cross faction talk in those situations. Too not make it too easy with people snitching either. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s plenty of times I felt like giving advice or a friendly chat with an alliance on my UD Rogue.

Maybe their phonetics skill became subpar due to maggots eating away at their brains?

No, no no… back then everyone was wonderful to each other. The days were longer and the kids played with unicorns.

… you could leave your back door open and no one would steal your precious epics, blues, greens.

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Seems kinda unfair not to change it back now belfs and velfs can speak to eachother.

Because PvP’ers.

No genuinely, that’s the reason. In the Beta, they could, but people abused it during PvP. There is so much in this game that is broken due to the Language barrier (Thankfully we can now buy the Elixir of Tongues so that the game makes Lore sense )

For a start, delete The Argent Crusade, the Cenarion Circle, The Twilight Hammer plotlines, The Ebon Blade, The Earthern Ring, None of those are possible with a language Barrier.

In Fact Delete the Human Mage class, that’s not possible either, given that the Elves who taught them magic can’t speak human. That does means no Aegwynn, and no Medivh, so no Dark Portal, so No Horde Invasion, so no Warcraft at all……

Yeah, Language barrier my backside…they should just punish the people who abuse it, not punish everyone else…