If every is killed then it literally means everyone, without any exception. Even a child.
Whoaaa… Too kind? To literally genocide everyone?
Listen, I’m not saying that retaliation wasn’t justified I am just against going in total extreme to slay literally everyone who wasn’t even involved in the assault.
And apparently you cannot quote, because none of these were depicted as civilians.
If we didn’t have enough on our hands with the land and the elements turning against us, it seems something has riled up the trolls to the northeast, and they’ve started on a war path. I’m not sure what their aims are, but they’ve already attacked several of our scouts and have besieged the cultists at the Tower of Althalax
And regarding Rit’ko
He is surrounded by dead and wounded Sentinels that he has sadistically tortured in unspecified ways.
As far as I know no Tauren laid any siege to nelves in order to settle on Mulgore or Barrens. Heck nelves seemed to be perfectly happy to isolate themselves in forest areas. So I don’t really get you.
I already elaborated above, I got nothing against retaliation, I am only against going to extremes.
And even in the sources you provided there were no civilians but scouts and sentinels.
If you think that this is fine, then it really opens a very dangerous approach, - if someone attacked me I can literally wipe them out. So if that is justified then orcs were justified in Teldrassiling nelves for attacking them unprovoked.
I am against both cases.
Only the openly hostile troll nations drew the full attention of the elves. Despite the trolls’ attempts to keep this new race from claiming further territories ,
So apparently trolls attempting to stop nelves from expanding into their territories means that they’re in the wrong. How can you twist that they were the ones who were aggressors?
Everyone in the vale was a combatant, a soldier, a warrior. Your assumption that the Night Elves went house by house murdering children is grappling on your imagination alone.
And just the same, I can use the assumption that the civilians had already evacuated the village before the Night Elves killed the combatants to the last.
Again, not what happened.
Alanndarian Nightsong is a civilian.
She used to work in Darkshore to cure the local deer population. You can’t get more heavy-handed in innocence than this.
And apparently you choose to read only what’s most convenient:
The trolls indicate that they have at least two captives though… the only other person that comes to mind is Alanndarian Nightsong, a civilian that was in the area against my advisement early yesterday.
Very noble of him.
Wiping out a band of warmongering mad Trolls who kidnap innocents to satisfy a sadism fetish can only be defined as a great display of justice in action.
Shame the Night Elves didn’t manage to kill those nasty warriors to the last. To fulfill an altogether, wholly warranted retribution for that invasion.
I hope with all of myself that one day they do, just as the Orcs in Durotar were finally able to get rid of the Kul Tiran marines
I really don’t know what to say man. The text quote couldn’t be more blunt:
Every last building, and every last troll. I think it is extremely unlikely to have entire village filled with only compatants and no infants or elders.
I wonder how they would escape if nelves blocked the entire pathto the vale and they went there with attempt to wipe them out.
I was not the one who wrote the quest.
If it would be up to me, I wouldn’t open the Vale at all. I’d leave them as they were - odd mystery.
Now we know it wasn’t successful. Because in BfA they re-appeared. But back then Shatterspear tribe was presumed to stop existing.
Well she was labeled as scout by the quest giver. Though I don’t deny that in blood haze trolls would be capable of doing that, when assaulting Theramore even Vol’Jin had trouble to pull back bloodthirsty Darkspears. But in case if she wasn’t scout or sentinels the rest of them were. And that particular torturer was surrounded by actual soldiers. Maybe she was in wrong place and wrong time.
I never claimed he was noble. And I don’t care about him in particular, if he did wrong he was disposable. I am just arguing that he shouldn’t be a reason to exterminate entire tribe.
Well I disagree with such approach. And I am happy they survived against the odds, because I don’t think wiping entire valley because of one torturer is justifiable.
That is extremly dangerous approach and opens a very nasty can of worms.
If one assault opens door to be wiped out of existance, then Kul’Tiras was attacked rightfully because of Daelin, and Teldrassil was attacked because savage elves attacked orcs that just went for some lumber.
Entire Village was wiped. Every one that was living in that settlement was targeted. Not a single troll was meant to survive it.
It’s impossible that in a village there were notchildren or elders. Trolls aren’tlike elves they age very fast and breed very fast. They couldn’t consist of only soldiers.
How can you deny what text literally flat out said is just … I have hard time to understand it.
Is it so hard to admit that nelves were so much into retaliation that they decided to genocide entire tribe?
Like I said they were not wrong to retaliate, everyone has a right to do that. But I don’t get how they couldn’t just slay majority of them and make the path to vale to collapse to lock there those who survived.
I don’t claim that trolls are innocent sweethearts, they can be cruel sadistic, warmongering and all of that. But they’re not one dimensional either, they have virtues as well. And same goes for nelves, they do have lots of positive traits but they have lots of negative as well.
But it’s still very sad to witness that when I bring on how narrative was unjust to them for almost entire game span, there will be always one to cherish their demise.
You are basing yourself off an assumption of your own making.
There is no evidence of children or elders.
When they are involved, Blizzard doesn’t shy away from addressing the civilian topic. See: Taurajo. See: The Purge of Dalaran. See: The Dark Irons in Dazar’alor.
Or if we also want to count Horde ones.
See: Theramore
See: Southshore
See: The Mud Fields
See: Thal’darah Grove
See: Teldrassil
See: Brennadam
Yes, because it’s not what happened.
And it goes against what the Night Elves stand for.
And what the Alliance itself has already gone on record to do when dealing with civilians, aka. allowing them to escape. See: Camp Taurajo.
The civilians are not addressed, you can’t simply assume genocide because it’s what’s most convenient to villainise the Night Elves.
The difference lies in the fact that the Night Elves went through a monumental societal shift in their civilisation that saw them renounce the Kaldorei Empire and the ways of the Highborne that ruled them, vying instead for a life of seclusion in harmony with the wildlands. In part as penance for what Malfurion defines as “the sins of the past”.
They have a general nobility of spirit and intent that is admirable. Obviously there are exceptions.
But executing greedy invading marauders that happily torture innocents doesn’t besmirch them one bit
This is not assumption. This is what the quest text said!
Kill everyone. Destroy each house.
These were the objectives of nelves. Plain and simple.
Except we know that it was not the case. They can have very rogue elements like druids of the flame, or wardens causing havoc, they can hunt their own. Tyrande slain her own people for doing their job. They even have altar in desolace for elune where they made offerings from flesh.
And I’m sure I could find even more.
They really aren’t that different from trolls. Even Elisande commented on that.
it does if they go overboard in retaliation then they kill innocents themselves.
And nelves are capable of doing that, like every playable faction - maybe besides Pandaren. I don’t remember pandaren having any big faults.