[Forsaken RP/RPPvP/Horde Raiding] The Ebon Gauntlet


As it stands right now the concept is completely open to growth, the idea in mind is for a collaborative force of Forsaken parties; primarily the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow and the Forsaken Military.

Three Forsaken-only sects of the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow have come to a mutual agreement of the absolute practice of the Four main virtues: Respect, Tenacity, Power and Ascension. Aiming to spread these beliefs throughout the Horde with their actions, in turn solidifying their peoples place within the faction.

After this “Shadow Triumvirate” pitched this ambition to members of the Forsaken High Command, an agreement was made to compile a force of Forsaken soldiers and members who preach the teachings of the Triumvirate; aiming to create the “ideal Forsaken soldier” which could then be utilized against the enemies of the Horde, the Queen and the Cult. This would then reflect to the other races of the Horde, truly preaching that their peoples place within the Horde is absolute.

Possible RP events could consist of: incursions into Alliance territories, growing the borders of Lordaeron, protecting general Horde interests, securing items of power and destroying/corrupting Light artefacts.

I am also looking to have potential conflict with Alliance guilds, specifically the Scarlet Crusade and Alliance militaries, igniting possible RP-PvP events.

All races of the Horde may also join towards the OOC raiding team in mind.

If this happens to interest anyone, and they would like to become a part of this concept, please do not hesitate to post any thoughts or ideas