Forum Background Changed?!?

It’s clean now :sweat_smile:


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Can’t wait for Erevien to start a thread ranting about the background colour being blue.


Didn’t even notice

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I like it, but white text glow kinda too strong to look at it!

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It reeks Alliance bias! Death to the Alliance! For Sylvanas!

Oh wait, wrong timeline

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The forum looks better. The brown one before was just horrible.

Oh we have an apprentice of Erev



Much better to read for me, I usually require a blue filter over everything but this works quite well too. The dots everywhere are rather annoying though.

I am not sure it’s intended, mind
 I am sure Alexstrasza should be at the top not a giant W.


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“Dumbledore asked calmy”


Yes, and I actually like it. It displays the age of changes WoW will go through over the next years probably.

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This blue background is cold. I do miss the brown one.

why can’t we have forum themes on this board? A thorough blue one, and a new thorough brown one? (The brown we had was with mismatching blue frames and buttons.) It takes like 5 minutes to create a simple forum theme, and yet we don’t get any selection. Just shows how little Blizzard cares about the forums.


About time. The brown was too dark. My whole room got darker every time I opened the forums. This is better.

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The posts’ nature haven’t changed, should still be pretty dark :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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That’d be actually really cool, but unlikely as other Blizz boards don’t have anything like that either. You don’t have DMs here either, another common forum feature.

it’s a sign of the end times the time of Alliance bias is upon us brothers and sisters of the Horde! everyone knows red is superior to blue 

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Wow, didn’t know, that blizzard knows, their forum existed. I thought this was just some place to procrastinate/troll for some laugh

Yes, but the red would really make our eyes bleed :smile:

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That’s right, but DMs also adds work to the mods as it is a channel of communication between forum users that might need monitoring and moderator actions. It is completely understandable when forum admins doesn’t have the capacity to the additional work and prefer having the function disabled.