Forum Background Changed?!?

It’s much easier on the eyes. I really like it. Dark mode activated.

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Yeah, and this one is easier on the eyes

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in this way


Wrong. Everyone knows that the colours of the Kaldorei are superior, purple is superior.

… … … what have you been smoking recently? :rofl: :rofl: it looks the same to me except the main banner which features mama Alexstrasza :heart:

It’s dark blue instead of brown… :laughing:

ok… Either I need a GP or you all need to change dealer :rofl:

All my medication is legally prescribed by the Dr… :eyes:

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I like it, easy on the eye :+1:


More like this, actually… I’ve read once your heart beats much faster if you see red.


…does it? :thinking: Mine definitely would.

If it doesn’t, here’s a redhead. Soul would approve.

My heart is racing by now! :heart_eyes:

It raises your heart rate while blue lowers it, yes.

More science at 5 :wink:

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I just did the same…

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