Reason of no GM communication on EU forums

got banned on forums for 5 days for having an oppinion.
while the cheaters, mafias, botters, TOS breakers run free in-game.

i tryed to appeal my forum bann because there was NO REASON given.
and so i went over to the live chat and had a chat with a GM.

while i was at it i asked WHY there was no communication at all EU forums while US forums do have some sort of communication.
his comment was priceless and mindbaffling…
clearly developers are US based so they only check US forums. TROLOL…
long story short, they dont care about EU.

am i happy i unsubbed last month :slight_smile:


We’ve known this since 2007.


Yeah the communication is rather rare here.

Weeks ago I got a 24h ban because of “bad” pet name (without any warning).

Recently one of my posts in a honor mafia thread was removed for whatever reason. Maybe because I used the word m e r k e l within a hyperbolic example.


I disagree regarding any action against Un’goro mafia, unless there is some cheating found, which is not. It is just collusion between players.

But i do agree that we in EU feels over the wall , ignored completely by Blizzard.

No EU Bugs reporting Forum Topic , no reply’s on questions etc.

In USA they get lots of responds , lots of Topics discussion and bug tracker forum…

Are we in EU suboptimal people or what? Because that’s how we feel currently.

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no, i dont feel like that. Anyway, i dont like Blizz, blue posters, green posters, etc.
Its good they ignore us, cos if they do not ignore you, you are gonna be banned for some trivial thing.



I had a forum ban of 24h because i did a point in the other word for crap that you use for bull '$%§.

I asked and i got told why. But the tone makes the music. I cant imagine that if you ask why you got banned, that they didn’t told you the reason.

when i get ban it was not only for 24h, shortest ban i had was 5d. Tariff rate changed?

Was 2 or 3 years ago with these new forums. Legion was it or ? i dont remember, maybe only 1,5 years ago.

But i told you the “crime” and it was a minor one. Also i didn’t used the word to insult somebody, but just as in the common language for bullcrap in a normal context.

Like “duck” with the other letter is more or less social acceptable nowadays and entwined in the language.

I also found the ban ridiculous, and asked why i was banned, just to know and got told why.

I got a ban about a month ago and I got an email, I’ll bet you did too and it was blocked by your spam filter.

You can have an opinion, just be careful how you say it, some of your posts are very aggressive and slightly insulting. I got one for what I see as complimenting someone. I lost my trust level 3 and when I asked how to get it back they said, “we don’t know”.

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Pretty sure you can’t get it back once it’s lost. Lost mine first week of the new forums, comparing sylvanas to hitler in a bantery post. Still not got trust 3 well over a year later, and done nothing naughty in that time.

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If you don’t catch the odd forum ban you are just a robot

I’ve had 4 since Classic launched - it’s a natural consequence of not suffering fools

You should feel complimented that you are not a sheep


man, and blizz should be banned for making her char like him :smiley:

Many merkelmen play this game, be cautious

Sometimes they send an email. But not always. Sometimes you can see it on the forum somewhere. It’s usually short 24h bans, they are really fast in handing out forum bans… They should hire the forum moderators to look for botters!

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i did not get a specific reason, except a link to the forum rules… lol

To play devils advocate here you do have a habit of making aggressive posts and insulting others so that likely didn’t help.
But yes Blizz do have a habit of banning people for opinions that rock the boat so to speak.

This has been common knowledge for a long, long time now.
Combine that with the fact that GMs have been replaced by an automated report system and the “GMs” we have now are useless script readers and you get the current environment we have now where problems keep cropping up and Blizzard doesn’t do anything until it’s much too late.

It basically boils down to this:
Found a major issue that’s affecting the game? Hope that an EU streamer raises more awareness about it or pray that the US has run into the same issue and are also complaining about it.
Outside of that sit down and enjoy your table scraps.

i have got an email, it just told me my forum account was temporary on hold.
no other info given, neither got more info out of the live chat + appeal link they gave me in the chat.

fact is they dont read forums, randomly bann players who highlight the problems in their game.

i have been banned years ago on the forums and always had a reason included.
you cant simply not tell the reason if your going to punish somebody imo.

I’m pretty sure discussing forum bans is against the forum rules and can get you banned again.

Maybe not reading the rules in the first place got you banned and not reading them a second time will get you banned again.

no offense, my posts may sound rude sometimes but they really arent intended so,
this isnt my first language and my phrases might go weird at times (i know lol)
the reason im making this post is mainly, they going to punish players on forums who get ignored HARD in EU.
while their game runs full of cheaters, bots, tos breakers etc freely with no bann whatsoever.
the GM confirmation that US => EU was just not understandable in my eyes…

For once Healbot is correct, you should take this thread down in case you catch another ban