Forum Community Discord (For The Chats)((New Updated Discord)) đŸ„ł

thanks for the invitation! :partying_face:

Liquid cats are amazing


Actually, now would be a good time to join. You can all watch Nefaryas and the other Horde cry as her team gets DOMINATED in Saturday’s wargame.

This will be the music that will boom all around her as she sees Soulclaimer and her allies ride!!


Don’t you Alliance need more brave souls for Neffy to kill?

Neffy would carry us to victory.

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Only thing Neffy will be carrying is chocolate oranges to my victory party.

Do I really need to post that screenshot here as well?

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Bah. BAH I say!
You don’t scare me I was educated by nuns!
I will have a NEW screenshot on Saturday night


yes sister Nefaryas

I am going to join.

Hope that is ok of course :slight_smile:


You are very welcome!

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So who’s winning/won? :open_mouth:

The alliance cheated on the last game.

We got bored killing you

The only time we fought 1v1 you ran like a chicken form a healer

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1 Alliance, 1 Horde, 1 was bugged so we aren’t counting it

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You weren’t Neffy

Ahw, cliffhanger.
Obviously going to need a rematch.
Gotta have a victor.