Forum Community Discord (For The Chats)((New Updated Discord)) đŸ„ł

She blames me for EVERYTHING :laughing:


It’s rule 1-5, we are simply following the rules

She made the rules!!!

Someone made the rules.

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I think it was Twilly who made the rules :laughing:

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I’m not sure it was but I think the thread it was on got locked or deleted.

Own up which one of you was it.

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I am sorry it was me i mass flagged you all with my 20 connected accounts and my 10 secret discords and my huge following of Farma Karmers .


It was the duchess.


Yes!!! I’m rule 4 as well Lmao


Then behave yourself. i mean seriously. When I say jump I expect a reply along the lines of “how many times and how far” it’s not much to expect is it? Further vexations on your part will result in you facing me in the SWF Saturday Night Main Event. And I don’t use funnels. A good solid garden hose is more than sufficient.

because it is your fault. I mean take last week when before I finally got the divorce through. There I was, sitting drinking a cup of tea and eating my toast, when I heard a voice shouting through the letter box demanding I hand over the keys to the Ferrari because "it wasn’t my fault I crashed the RV, a raccoon got into the back and caused chaos. When I enquired

A. What were you doing in the RV when you can hardly drive a golf cart,
B. Why was there a raccoon in the back
and C. Assuming all the above was true, why did it take 6 cops to bring you down from the trees while you were up there in just a pair of yoga pants yelling at everyone that your marriage was unhappy because the wife, and I quote, “couldn’t cook anything without adding raisins to it”.

So it was your fault. Accept it. the toaster, and the Ferrari, now belong to me.

This is why we can’t take Daestra anywhere, she causes trouble wherever we take her. Only last week we took her to see the priceless artifact collection in Stormwind cathedral.

What did Daestra do? She ran amok, getting plastered on the ceremonial wine, and tried to seduce the poor altar boy.

I had to pay for his counseling just to hush it up.


Because reasons :3

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Doesn’t everyone have an emergency Trash panda in the back of a vehicle, I thought it was like, the law or something.


Where does one acquire an emergency Panda?

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No but we have a EBB in the Discord. The Emergency Badger Bot.

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No one needs an emergency Badger. Trust me on this


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I’m now getting horrible flashbacks to a thing that never even happened, a whole field of Gopnik Badgers doing Slav Squats


How about some pandas to distract you

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Animals being crazy damn fools and having a lark doing it, is always quality


Anything involving footage of pandas seems to be complete chaos.

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ho boy Puny, i have just the thing for you!
let me introduce you to:


yes, you have heard right. they are the perfect combination of pandas and kitties.

more cuteness and less trash at an affordable price! they ll fit whereever you want them to since cats are known to be liquid. car, airplane, motorcycle submarine, handbag, no problem.

you can find me in dalaran sewers, thank you.

i ll be waiting