[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

Take it all as a bit of a joke. I’m sure even the most rude posters can be nice enough ingame when you have a one on one chat with them. It’s just the nature of the beast for the forums to be rude.

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They don’t have to be in the same phrase, as long as they are associated, the result is the same.

He probably doesn’t because you’re wrong and her point is in fact not a tautology

After the incorruptible (read: unfixable) supreme grasp upon the English language you’ve demonstrated in this thread I can’t believe I have to correct the old dragon, but if you were to actually google what tautology is you would find this as the first and main definition:

the saying of the same thing twice over in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g. they arrived one after the other in succession).

Which unless you’ve somehow unlocked [Spectral Sight] on the forums makes the point you’re chasing simply incorrect (as you almost always and exclusively are)

Here are some more fun things for you to look up and incorrectly use in the future:
Synonym: a word that means the same thing as another word (sound familiar?)
Polysemy: a capacity for a single word to have multiple meanings
Antonym: a word that means the opposite of another word
Contronym: a word that is the opposite of itself

Happy language butchering, dragon erper

Can’t help but think part of the issue is perception of tone. Noticed that IG people tend to use emoticons and such more, or the text… equivalent… they are text. Yeah. : ) : P etc. Whereas here, if they are used, they’re almost used in mockery.

And of course people read something as hostile or angry when it’s typed out in, from the posters perspective, calmness.

Forums. Weird places.

Yeah. You honestly need to go all out with the theatrics to get your emotions across sometimes.

Yeah I’m thinking you don’t like your own argument technique returned back to sender - ie. rewriting the definition of harassment (a legal term, right?) to amount to “someone called someone else stupid in a single thread”

The definition you linked there now applies very easily to what you’re doing towards Vixi and I don’t know why you’re pretending you can’t see that. Even if you do consider them a bully (as you have repeatedly said) does that make what you’re doing some sort of heroic counter-bullying? Their comeuppance perhaps?

That’s absolute bag and you know it. You can’t call one mean-spirited action harassment and then do the same action, rebranding it as “OK because actually they said it themselves!” or “it’s actually simply a callout … aka. like a lightforged version of bullying that only I can do”. Maybe you should follow through with your own rhetoric here and apologise to Vixi who you have “called out” (but not harassed! :wink:) for about three hours straight. Be the change you want to see in others

The truth is if you had said “yeah, I did it back so what” that would have been easier to swallow (and basically understandable) than this circular attempt at obfustication. You’re struggling to reconcile your high-minded stance and the much less clean reality of how you act and no amount of cope can flip that on its head

Despite that I enjoyed our argument a lot so hopefully we can disagree on something another time later in the week (ideally on the weekend since we’ve stayed up quite late for this one and I’m not going to be #MCLOVIN the alarm when it goes off)

Take it easy & catch you on the flip side :skateboard:


Her usage of the term is a pleonasm, and her argument is kinda a non-point, circular, and non-pertinent to the discussion. But you do you, if you want to pat yourselves on the back, do it. It’s 4 am and I’ve got better things to do. Like sleeping.

Generally speaking there’s always been groups (back in the day it was skype/MSN cliques) that have tried to control the server, or ‘lead’ the community which basically means the popular group decides what’s acceptable. The forums were really only civil from Vanilla to late BC and then around early wrath when the moderaters disappeared things started to change. Before green posters like Adnaw or Tsathogga were able to highlight bad behaviour, the blues very heavily moderated the forum. The community policed itself. If you wanted to make a point you were expected to be civil or you got a vacation. Even in the RP forum which was a small sub forum back in the day had an active blue poster.

It was very easy to get banned, the game, the community, the internet (no widespread nihilistic imageboard culture) and Blizzard were very, very, different. GMs in game were very active and the realm actually had RP rules that HAD to be followed etc. It’s far too much to unpack but the short answer is Blizzard tore their games ethos up and got rid of their support staff.

No it isn’t

How ironic because I don’t think there’s a single reply from you on these forums that isn’t a pleonasm

Note: My next post is going to be one big joke response. If you don’t want to see some cringey overacting you might want to use this blocklist to block me.

One: Use quotation marks. Two, when your argument is utterly incomprehensible, then it is a bad argument, as it is failing to do it’s job, that is, to convey your viewpoint and reasoning, or the counterpoint and reasoning to another’s viewpoint.

You utter hypocrite.

P.Q.E.D: Point, Quotation, Explain, Discuss. Learn to argue coherently, please, and put the damned thesaurus down.


See, that’s a tautological statement! An argument that doesn’t make a point is not pertinent to a discussion, so specifying that it is also not pertinent is redundant.

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good god, man, you really are an insufferable twazzock arent u


The fact you don’t understand the need for certain things to be said in certain terms doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be said in these terms, I’m afraid.

My argument is really simple.

She argued that Perroy’s claim that he had a reason to do what he did is “technically” true. Because he is justified to do so. And justification to her means having a reason; any reason.

Basically: Perroy had a reason because he had a reason.

So yes, that’s a tautological argument right there.

No it’s not actually. I think you just don’t get it

Anyone else remember this

Ah, of course. The ambiguity! That ambiguous ambiguity with all its guity…GUITYNESS that managed to confuse nobody other than you. Is that the gooey ambiguity you mean? Because that sounds rather sticky and like you might want to get it checked.

I know right? Could you imagine someone doing that? That would be pretty cringe and guity. Ooh! Got him! 2-0!

ACSHUALLY this is all typed and thush it ish me wanting to be read schmart not schound schmart. Thank you very much!

Breaking characters for a moment to point out that I never related my point to Perroy’s reason but Perroy’s statement that people aren’t just chaotically cruel. Also I never said that I felt Perroy was morally justified from my perspective.

Perroy’s reasons are complex. If you got that reference you deserve a cookie.


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Because they must have any reason to act, like being sadic? That’s pretty chaotic to me, imo, but you do you.

But I understand where you come from better now, and kinda appreciate the spirit behind.


[would attempt to percieve the truth written on the elder scroll]