Forum Trust, how does it work? What are the adcantages of increasing it and how do I do it?

I very rarely view post or log in to these forums, I did not get into the Classic beta. The only beta I ever got into was over a decade ago. Strange

I’m pretty sure they had alpha on their accounts, so maybe thats why they had instant TL3 aswell :slight_smile: but yeah, being a big shot streamer seems to help.

Or just git gud and get beta access. Ez.
I can do whatever I want.
Don’t have to post actively to keep it.
Even got banned and still got it.


It’s actually hella easy. Just scroll down juicy threads. Did 10k in like 20 mins haha, pretty sure it works that way, got TL straight after last time. The music thread and high elf is 5k if ya just scroll straight through it all.

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Trust level checker links just return 404’s for me…

As for ‘easy’ - try getting TL3 after getting any kind of disciplinary on these Forums…

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The Trust Level is RNG, depending on too many unfair factors as other forum users and how they handle opinions they disagree with.

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No swearing, Im out! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Expecting a Dwarf to NOT swear…? What Utopian ideology is this…?

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That trust level checker hasn’t worked in a long time however, it tells you in your profile now what you are. It’s just words instead of a number. You can also just look at your own json.

For you that would be

If you search for ‘trust’ it will come up with the various levels you’ve got to. I can see TL2 for you.

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Ta, Puny… I’ve accepted that I’ll never be any higher than 2; not even sure I WANT any higher any more.

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People who have lost their TL3 due to a timeout have got it back again.

Or the beta route but that requires luck :stuck_out_tongue:

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Never had TL3 in the first place… and it feels like a single disciplinary is akin to a death sentence for littering, so…

MoP Beta killed any fun that Beta could be, for me… never going there again.

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If you have gotten 4 forum vacations you need to wait 6 months before you can farm it again, thats what im currently waiting for xD


Think I had 2… I gave up any hope of them ever NOT being a factor on Forum progress - both were well over a year ago, IIRC, but I’m past caring.

That said, I take what I DO get as a positive… I live with a bar permanently set low.


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Danelos lost his but kept his MvP status .

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Yes if you have had 4 or more bans you need 6 months clear from last one .

Have you got your back yet ?


I stand corrected then.


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