Forum Trust, how does it work? What are the adcantages of increasing it and how do I do it?

Never had TL3 in the first place… and it feels like a single disciplinary is akin to a death sentence for littering, so…

MoP Beta killed any fun that Beta could be, for me… never going there again.

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If you have gotten 4 forum vacations you need to wait 6 months before you can farm it again, thats what im currently waiting for xD


Think I had 2… I gave up any hope of them ever NOT being a factor on Forum progress - both were well over a year ago, IIRC, but I’m past caring.

That said, I take what I DO get as a positive… I live with a bar permanently set low.


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Danelos lost his but kept his MvP status .

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Yes if you have had 4 or more bans you need 6 months clear from last one .

Have you got your back yet ?


I stand corrected then.


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