Forum usage tips

If you hit control F you will get an in forum search box. If you hit it again you will get the actual browser search function.

If you put text between < and > it becomes invisible so you don’t have to worry about the 10 character minimum.

If you use the </> function while highlighting links you can post them without needing to change them.

Anyone got anything else?

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I was testing that with the text between < and >

I appreciate you clarifying that for us, I was completely unaware

There is lots but my favourite is striketrough that you put with [s] and [/s] because if you call accidentally someone muffinface you can quickly edit with striketrough and correct the akward situation.

Can’t believe you didn’t mention this one, muffinface

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does it work. I will test

If you want to post a picture but you don’t have TL3, create an empty YouTube video with the picture as a thumbnail and post that instead :joy:


If it doesn’t it might be because of hordestinks rules.

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night elves should die so true

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Use <small> </small> to make small text too.

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text here
seems the first small works on its own
I assume the second ends it

yes it does

Works with big too and h1 to h6

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H1 to H6?

<h1> </h1> with numbers up to 6

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But isnt bigger always better ? to get things done :slight_smile:


yeah but what does it do? aha is that text sizes?

Yes, yes it is :wink:

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Yeah h1 is big h6 is small and all the inbetween sizes lol

Instead of the html-tags you can also use the markdown alternative

# this will be huge
## this a little less
### even less
#### smaller and smaller 
##### etc etc
###### h6 equivalent 

this will be huge

this a little less

even less

smaller and smaller

etc etc
h6 equivalent
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Does it support LaTeX?