Forum usage tips

Works with big too and h1 to h6

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H1 to H6?

<h1> </h1> with numbers up to 6

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But isnt bigger always better ? to get things done :slight_smile:


yeah but what does it do? aha is that text sizes?

Yes, yes it is :wink:

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Yeah h1 is big h6 is small and all the inbetween sizes lol

Instead of the html-tags you can also use the markdown alternative

# this will be huge
## this a little less
### even less
#### smaller and smaller 
##### etc etc
###### h6 equivalent 

this will be huge

this a little less

even less

smaller and smaller

etc etc
h6 equivalent
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Does it support LaTeX?

I tried it but cant work it

Make sure to leave the empty space between the # and the text and make sure the # is the first character of the line

Essentially, you can use (most of) markdown:

And a few HTML tags

` (and not ') allows you to post links

Shadowlands version of wowhead requires TL3 but the original wowhead (wwwWowheadCom rather than wwwShadowlandsWowheadCom, just removed the “.” So that the forum doesn’t believe it’s an actual link) Reddit and YouTube only requires TL2

Putting stuff between * will make it appear in Italic

Putting stuff between two * will make it appear in bold

  • you can make lists by using
  • "- " at the start of the line,
    • or add some spaces before the - if you want to make it a sub category
      If you won’t add two return at the end of your sentence but only one it’ll appear like that.

Two returns and you’re back to the usual text format

But I’ve yet to figure out how to put spaces between two elements of a list

I mean there is loads you can do :woman_shrugging:

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i dunno if thats true… are you leading me on?

because if you are…

thats rude

not like i didn’t do a space the first time…

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Spoiler It is true!

I posted the same on the US forums.
They were the least helpful bunch.

I learnt so much here and they made jokes

If you’re serious you should take a look at this:

yeah okay so one person linked that.
Doesn’t include the fun stuff though aha


Edit: Not sure how this one works but there is no secret message here.


If you can read this you don’t need glasses.

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