Forum user appreciation



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I like this thread, it blows some fresh air through the often pretty melancholic forums :slight_smile:
Id say Puny,always helpful but also not afraid to speak your mind.
Grainne, should without a doubt be an mvp by now.
Anna for being just a genuine amazing person.
Bukachu for being him and lightening up my day with funny comments and that ā€˜i dont give a cr*p, bite me if you likeā€™ attitude.

And yes thats 4 but i dont play by the rules #edgelord xD


Love this post! :revolving_hearts:


it takes all sorts to make a WoWā€¦love you allā€¦:s
one shared interest, so many differing opinionsā€¦:slight_smile:


I love everyone equally, mainly because iā€™m terrible with names.

At times iā€™ve felt like i have enjoyed the forum more than playing the game, mainly because of the random topics and the people butting horns over the silliest of stuff.

Its like a mad house sometimes but never change, any of you.


Iā€™m also very bad with names and mostly remember people from their races. There are one panda and one gnome dudes in this forum whose posts and replies make me crack up half the time. Theyā€™re a great pleasure to read especially because they donā€™t sugarcoat their opinions and address whoever deserves it in a hilarious outspoken way.


There are a lot of great posters in these forums and it is difficult to pick three, so Iā€™ll just list 3 that comes to my mind first. I am sorry if your name is not listed, it does not mean that I donā€™t respect you, it just means that I am a bit light headed, love you all nevertheless :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Punyelf, Radium and Buka. And also Shammoz as she has been MVP for a long time and I always like to read her posts

Edit: Just have to add a few more, Uldurin and Moo from the Cow thread!


Dottie, sylvanaswindrunner, eggs. All been around forever.


Thatā€™s an interesting post :smiley:

Hmm, I like everyone In the forums tbh, but those that stand out to me are the ones that are able to let opinions be opinions and not get personal about it.

I will always have some special kind of respect to anyone I argue that respects my opinions yet presents theirs in a good respectful without being salty afterwards.


Well each of us have the right to share our opinion :wink: and nobody should get salty about because itā€™s just an opinion I always respected your opinions Hinata and was always open to criticism to some I donā€™t agree with but was never ever salty.


Thereā€™s someone whose name is sylvanaswindrunnerā€¦ LMAO !!!

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Yeah, someone reported him and he got his name changed to lswindrunner.

For all his faults, heā€™s passionate about sylvanas iā€™ll give him that. I havent seen him around for awhile actually, i wonder how heā€™s doing.


It used to be but now I think itā€™s Lswindrunner. I havenā€™t seen them for a while though.


When I restarted LSwindrunnerā€™s making friends topic, theyā€™d not been around for a long time. It was a good idea and Iā€™m glad itā€™s still going on the new forums.


To be completely honest I never really liked him that much cause he reminded me of Buka in his troll days of hate postings but I do miss him cause he kept the forum back in the day alive at least speaking from when I was posting from Yolandass.

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Yeah, it was definitely the right idea. I used to see him a lot doing world quests, but not so much in bfa.

Probably doesnā€™t help that i havent been subbed for 3 month, so thast why iā€™ve probably missed him :stuck_out_tongue: Hope heā€™s well anyway.

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My three users -

Me - Because Iā€™m simply the best
Me - Because Iā€™m better than all the rest
Me - Because Iā€™m better than anyone, anyone I ever met.


They posted a lot of blog type posts but some were entertaining :slight_smile:

Certainly canā€™t fault him for his love of Sylvanas

(Lswindrunner wherever he/she might be)


And whereā€™s your list?!