Forum user appreciation


Sorry, found out later that you can only pick three. I can’t do that, there are way too many people I enjoy. :confused:

Most people I appreciate are from the Story forum. From General, I appreciate Trelw for his well thought-out analyses and arguments. He sets the bar for being an MVP in my opinion.

From the Story forum… I hate to not include someone, but here is my list.

  • Araphant;
  • Wimbert;
  • Halasibel and Frozengrip (but the former is unsubbed and the latter MIA now and then);
  • Rangoor;
  • Beshird;
  • Zakkaru;
  • Erevien;
  • Arctur/Daelinna.

There are probably others but these are the ones I can think of now. Also, list is in no particular order.

They’re both great and are on my list as well. When Arctur/Daelinna rides in their “Daelin did nothing wrong” somewhere, or when Erevien is on a Baine-hate spree again. These are the moments I treasure.

Yeah, good ol’ Zakkaru. You can ask him anyhing and he’ll know it. No one knows their favorite race lore like he knows Troll lore.


Morsteth - Great guy with some great things to say
Gobbert - Always zanney and really fun guy :stuck_out_tongue:
Exolth - Really good advertiser


I can’t pick just 3 - I don’t think it’s fair because there are so many good posters here.

Love to all :purple_heart:


Agreed with all of that, although I see the Story forum as their own little community, it feels weird when I occasionally see the odd post from them anywhere else, lol


mm…absence makes the heart grow fonder…he went missing suddenly for a long time before and i started to worry…
but then he came back it was ‘arrrgh…please stop’ all over again…bless…:smiley:

i miss a lot of the old ones actually, even our little gnome mvp Zazkya…hope she’s doing ok…:slight_smile:


I tend to be interested when it comes to the opinion of Solaris and Redoctober.


Haha, yes its the same with me.

I have zazkya added on twitter, that gnome seems to be doing fine. Keg is another one who is a miss, his good old wall of no when it came to anybody asking for vanilla.


i cant think of ALL of them, but ones that came on my mind straight away were

  • Punyelf
  • Bukachu
  • Dottie
  • Anna
  • Halicos

I can’t do it. I have a genetic deficiency that makes me unable to settle on the Top X of anything, and I really like reading nearly all of the regular posters here nearly all the time.

I thought of breaking it up into categories: Friendly, Informative, Competent Argument, Amusing … There are the people I usually agree with, and the people I often disagree with …

Can’t do it. Too many.

We’ve lost some great people recently. It’s understandable, and I can hope they’ll be back, but instead I’ll name three absent friends who have been gone for a while, I’d really like to see return

  • Zazkya
  • Twijfelkont
  • Anvarra

Punyelf and moothilda - always there with cow gifs when needed :sunglasses:


oldmanbarry certainly is the best


Dottie is the only one for me (not romantically…). Ever since I became more active on the forums on my Mage back in MoP they’ve always been around.
I enjoy how they’re always below the level cap, but still in the current expansion level zone.
I’ll be honest I disagree with them on most things game related, but it’s stuff you can actually respond to / maybe think about and change your mind.

Punyelf is well spoken and always has constructive responses, but I just can’t help but get the feeling that to them, Blizzard can do no wrong. Maybe its the MVP status. Hope you don’t take it as an insult / me targeting you, because i respect you and felt like i had to praise the quality of your posts, i just disagree your “stance”, I guess is a simple way to put it.

Back in MoP / WoD I could have named a dozen familiar names, but these days I forget them.

Oh, Eggs you’re one. I’m used to seeing an undead hunter with googles, if I remember correctly…?


I know this comes out of nowhere, but are you also Oldmangeorge?

Yeah when i change mains i always chance the character on the forums, before oldmangeorge i was on the forums with my horde druid named osita


Oh and @ the actual topic

Seeing how a locked topic just got reopened by someone and derailed into a sewage. I don’t always agree with punyelf, but he always stays objective and reasonable. (unlike me lol)

oh and anna, moothilda and that gnome named cookie or something also seem like pretty nice regulars


I do the main change thing too. Nice to see that isn’t just me.

Feels like I am in an ecco chamber here, but out of thse active now I have to list Punyelf, Bukachu and Dottie. I’ll add Jito as a sneaky 4th.

Punelf because she is always down to earth and reasonable, Bukachu because he is quite brilliant actually. He’s a troll and a friend at once. He can take on any personality trait pretty much. Dottie because I’ve loved his short and direct replies since forever. Jito is quite similar to Puny from how I’ve known him over the years.


The undead was a shadow of the real eggs, a beautiful tauren female. What a fine specimen my hunter was.

You are pretty great. Jito sneaked passed you though because I’ve known him longer… but had your name sooo close to written down! Tried to keep it to 3 though… but I failed.

Your hunter was quite the sight to behold.

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