[FotU] LFM Wed+Thurs+Mon 7:45-11PM ST

Who are we;

We are a group of veteran raiders that are forming a mythic squad as part of an existing social guild in Ragnaros-EU Horde. Looking for anyone with prior mythic experience or players with potential but not necessarily enough mythic experience.

Raid days:
1945 to 2300 CET (server time)


To establish our selves as a laid back and stable raiding guild that clears mythic content in a reasonable time in Ragnaros.

Open Spots:

Tank: Prot paladin/Monk/DK.

Healer: Mistweaver monk and Resto shaman.

DPS: Any, with a large interest in Boomkin and shadowpriest!


Good understanding or willingness to understand.

Maturity, we are not going to have to deal with kids.


Consistency and patience, there will be that boss that will make us wipe a lot of times before we get it, patience is an amazing virtue to be a successful raider. For us prior mythic experience prove the aforementioned traits.

Use of tools like simulcraft and in general theorycrafting is not necessary but highly appreciated.

Experience is greatly appreciated.

Why should you join us;

We got the experience to make this work, the raid leader and the officers have been around WOTLK and raided on extremely unforgiving environments in the past.

We are trying to keep balance with life/gaming. So expect a very calm and cool environment, that always keeps it fun while progressing.

Non-raiding activities, mythic dungeons and pvp. As well as other games to fill in time and refresh our mental energy for more mythic raiding wiping.

If this interest you please feel free to contact me via my battlenet:
GM: TrjegulBygul#2590
Recruitment Officer: Spellbound#2831

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