I finished my game, and the next day found my character dead. I’m pretty sure I logged out alive and everything was fine, but now I can’t get the character back. And I can’t find any relevant category among support requests.
CS will not restore Hardcore deaths.
only log off in towns or cities, it takes time before you character dissapears from the world after you log out. And dead is dead in hc, no appeal possible
Is this even true? I´ve sometimes logged out in dangerous places because nature called and i never had any issue. Pretty sure you are instantly gone once you waited the 15 seconds.
It’s 20 seconds but you’re right, I was think about alt-f4
if you quit with alt+f4 or click on logout immediately, your char still standing around for the next 60 seconds until it despawns.
So when you log out in the wild, make sure the 20-second timer counts down to zero for a proper logout.
Too true. I was killed, thinking I was safe, I was not, and an elite got me while the count down was running.
Wait those 20 seconds out!