<FOUND SOLUTION> All text ingame grainy, Everything from a distance blurry after Todays classic patch

Been talking to a few people and theyre having the same problem, that after this patch, text is grainy and things are blurry from a distance. graphics were completely fine before this patch and now theyre not.
It couldnt be a hardware issue, as things are fine in every game except for WoW.
Any help with this would be really appreciated.
I would provide a screenshot but the forum site says i cant.

Ive also had the same problem in retail as I was playing it before classic came out, but I didnt bother to ask about it because I dont play it anymore.
EDIT: I fixed it. I have 2 monitors and my monitor setting in System>Graphics>Monitor was set to primary. I changed it to monitor 1 and its fixed and looks normal again. Hope this helps people who also have the problem!


You can include links but you need to put it in preformatted text, just paste your link, mark it and use preformatted text tool above post box, or mark it and click CTRL + SHIFT + C, and your link will look like this: www.google.com

Hello Mythicul!

Can you please open up the game settings, and make sure that the “Render Scale” option is set to be at least to 100% ?

If it’s anything lower, please put it back to 100% and see if that fixes the problem :slight_smile:

If not, having a screenshot - and possibly even a copy of your diagnostic files - would be quite useful. For the files, you can upload them on an external website (eg. Pastebin) and post the link there as explained by Xyleth.

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heres a screenshot. All my drivers are up to date and render scale is at 100. If i set it to 200%, the graininess on names goes away, but i lose 100 fps http://prntscr.com/q9fk4n And here is my dxdiag info https://pastebin.com/BDrLUFxS
EDIT: Heres my settings too http://prntscr.com/q9flni http://prntscr.com/q9fluf