FPS Drop Spikes Since 11.0

I have major FPS drops since the patch on Wednesday 24th. Every few seconds the FPS goes down to 5-10 and then up to whatever the cap is (or if uncapped up to ~240 indoors) I run the game on an MSI laptop with i7-10875H and RTX 2080 and never had that issue before the patch. I don’t have FPS issues in any other game. This bouncing is constant and makes the game unplayable.
The problem persists regardless of what I do with the graphic settings: I’ve switched between DirectX 11 and 12, I’ve disabled or minimized all other graphic options. I normally run WoW on Ultra with no issues.
My drivers are updated, I’ve tried other options in Windows like enable/disable Optimization for Windowed Games.

Edit: Forgot to mention I’m running without addons since patch day.

I’m unaware how common this issue might be and whether to hope on a hotfix, but would appreciate assistance.


First red flag, you haven’t mentioned anything about addons :smiley:
Always update your addons AND weakauras after a patch.
It might take a couple days for all addons to be updated for the pre-patch.
Disable those that cause problems till they get a working update.

Yeah, disabling all addons was the first thing I did, I forgot to mention that. I’m running the game without any since patch day. I’m normally only using few anyway.


@Alexos you are not alone, I encountered the same phenomenon. There are times since the patch my PC struggles to keep WoW in a heroic dungeon at 60fps (no, it’s not v-sync) in comparison to a couple of days before when it would run easily 180-200fps. Is it just me or the developers released a debug version? Definitely not optimized for sure. And before asking, the tests I did were with zero addons and even a fresh install just to make sure.


same, and my PC can run games like Baldur’s gate 3 in the best settings possible

this happening a lot when i reach a big city full of actual players, i think blizzard did the same thing they did on diablo 4
i think the game load all the bags the players now have and all the items inside them

please blizzard look at that problem and fix it before we start the war within cause it could ruin a lot of players game


As explained, this is because WoW is running most stuff on 1 single CPU-thread which bottlenecks even the fastest CPUs when there are many players/NPCs interacting with the combat log (buffs, debuffs, dmg etc, + many addons that the average players is using).

sure but i do not load almost any addons, and even removing those addons does not fix the problem, now if you tell me the problem lies in the fact i load someone else’s addons and everything connected to it, then it is a big bug that need to be fixed

you cannot expect people to accept the fact you cannot go to the main city of the expention to find yourself having so much FPS drops and lags because of it, this supposed to be a multiplayer game, the big city is the hub for everyone to begin in

Maybe i wasn’t clear enough, but the game is severly CPU-limited, even without addons.
Especially when there are many players around you :slight_smile:
Nothing you can do about it, even on a 7800X3D you get drops, but not as big obviously.

What is your CPU anyways?

my CPU is AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor

i do not agree, this didnt happen before, they did something to make it happen more
and in classic it does not happen at all, so something did change, also didn’t happen before the pre patch
this need to be answered for

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We having issues atm…
Mine is a 16 core 24 thread and its not good… Soon it would be f2p.

I think you missed the memo were it said that the game ist like 90% singlethreaded :joy:

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:joy: true… 90% thread… Windows be struggling.

It is markedly worse with the prepatch, I’ve been driving myself crazy looking into other reports which are very rare at this point, so I don’t know if something got broke on my end, or if no one else sees the frame time/fps downgrade.

They added like 5 new settings at the bottom of the graphics option list, all related to background stuff that’s rarely exposed to the player in any game. I don’t know if this was a mistake and if these are the reason why I’m getting near constant micro stutter in combat and when flying around, but it’s much worse than before the patch.


Maybe it isnt clear to you, but your comments are not helpful in any way :slight_smile:

People are having genuine issues they DID NOT HAVE BEFORE and you’re making it seem like its their fault. Shifting the blame is pretty useless in a support thread.

Ever since the patch the game is using more resources and dropping performance. Whatever they did they need to undo as the game is running worse than before.


There are always issues after a major patch, maybe you are new to the game :slight_smile:

I’m not blaming anyone, you are blaming me though.

Except the usual outdated addons performance and stuttering issues i don’t have noticed any other problems so far.

I’m very much aware theres always problems after a patch. However they already said they disabled addons and done all the usuals to exclude it being a client problem and you still doubled down on it :slight_smile:

Sadly not, you seem to be though :slight_smile:

No you’re being condescending and it’s not helping anyone :slight_smile:

But since we’re going off-topic this is the last reply towards you.

Game is still running wonky since patch, its NOT a client-side problem but something they did with the patch. So either they could look into it or it’ll be fixed next update which would be sweet.

Don’t get your hopes up, it usually takes Blizz about 3-6 months to fix tech issues.

To name some:

-Nvidia shadow flickering issues in Shadowlands took till DF pre-patch to get fixed
-DF pre-patch microstuttering issue took them 3 months to fix till the first major content patch
-AMD crashing issues in DF, took them ~6 months to fix, November till recently

-renderscale performance bugged, has been broken since Season 2 patch, still not fixed

I guess thats what we get after their Team got gutted even more.

Only the very latest content gets fixes and even those take MONTHS.

Old content with major bugs is completely ignored.

The current performance is just abyssmal. As i mentioned in another thread: Star Citizen runs better on my PC than WoW but i fear multithreading will never be a thing in WoW.

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They lost at least one sale with me because I’m not buying an expansion if this performance is indicative of what we’re gonna get in TWW. Fps drops everywhere and without addons, especially in combat and when dragon riding, just not acceptable for 2024 in any way.

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It seemed the issue is gone during the pre-launch event, but it’s back as described in my OP. FPS drops every few seconds that only happen in WoW.