FPS issues with new laptop

Hey so i recently bought a new laptop and connected it to my ultrawide samsung monitor which is 100fps comes under at 3440x1440 - my fps is literally 20 at quality of 2 anyone know what i need to do to fix this?

Intel i5 and 3050TI

please see the below for all graphics settings, download speed is 600mbps

imgur. com/a/RiBbk49 - remove the space after the .

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Nothing wrong with the settings, except turn of raytracing shadows with your hardware.

For the drops, there can be several causes like outdated addons and weakauras.

Or your CPU is not boosting or overheating, WoW is very CPU-limited.
Check if your CPU is running at max clockspeed and not throttling.

For full performance on a notenook you also need to have the power plugged in.

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