FR/EN Hunters need two EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and SIMPLE changes

Dear Blizzard (Game Devs),
Dear Readers,

Cher Blizzard (Développeurs)
Chers Lecteurs,

Hope y’all doing good. :slight_smile:
J’espère que vous allez bien. :slight_smile:

I’m here to discuss two main things and will ask every other hunter to simply add +1 to this topic if they agree.
Je me permets d’ouvrir ce topic pour discuter de deux choses qui me paraîssent essentielles, et je demanderai à chaque Chasseur qui est d’accord avec moi d’ajouter un simple +1.

Two things MUST change, and I actually am shocked these changes haven’t been made earlier on.
Deux choses DOIVENT changer, et je suis choqué qu’ils n’aient pas eu lieu jusqu’ici.

NUMBER 1 : Why are we still waiting, and even worse, why do we actually HAVE to ask, for Weapon Illusions on either Bows/Crossbows/Guns ?
I mean we literally are the only class that can’t have these cool glows on our weapons, what’s the actual reason ? Plus, I really don’t want to swap specs and go survival (which btw please give us the old spec back) in order to be able to get weapon illusions.

NUMERO 1 : Pourquoi est-ce qu’on attend toujours, et pire que cela, pourquoi est-ce que l’on doit le demander ?! Les chasseurs sont la seule classe qui ne peuvent mettre d’illusions sur leurs arcs/arbalètes/fusils, et d’ailleurs j’aimerai bien savoir pourquoi ? Qu’est-ce qui pourrait être une raison “valable” pour que l’on y aie pas droit ? De plus, je n’ai vraiment pas envie de passer spé survie (au passage rendez-nous la vrai) pour pouvoir profiter d’illusions d’armes.

NUMBER 2 : Game developers, , this question is directly adressed to you : DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMPOSSIBLE IT IS TO TRACK ENEMY PLAYERS IN A ZONE WITH HUMANOID MOBS?
Why should we have to deal with this ? Why not simply add another tracker which will simply show red dots on map, for ENEMY PLAYERS, and separate it from the tracker that shows red dots on map, for HUMANOID MOBS.

Example : Spell 1 - Track Humanoids (NPC)
Example : Spell 2 - Track Humanoids (Players)

Pourquoi devrions-nous être punis de la sorte?
Pourquoi ne pas tout simplement ajouter un deuxième pistage qui permettrait directement de voir des points rouges sur la mini-map pour les JOUEURS ENNEMIS, et le séparer du pistage des humanoïdes simple ?

Exemple : Sort 1 - Pistage des humanoïdes (PNJ)
Exemple : Sort 2 - Pistage des humanoïdes (joueurs).

Hopefully, y’all enjoyed reading, and will agree with me, and these changes will be made once and for all. If you need me to be more explicit about something, please feel free to let me know, and on that note I wish you an excellent day/night.

Dans l’espoir que vous ayez apprécié la lecture, que vous soyiez d’accord avec moi, ET bien évidemment que ces changements prennent place, je vous souhaite une excellente journée / soirée. Dans la mesure où quelqu’un aurait besoin d’une précision, qu’il se sente libre de la demander.

Dear all,
Chers tous,

Disengage + Nitro boost.
Désengagement + Nitro-survolteurs.

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First off, sorry for not including a french version with my replies. Haven’t spoken nor learnt anything new in french since…8th grade in school. Wouldn’t want to butcher your language.^^

I get why you’re asking for this. I’ve seen other hunters do the same in the past. As far as the Hunter class goes, I find it even more concerning that we don’t have visible quivers when using bows or even x-bows. Where do our arrows come from?

But yeah, I would support both of the above. +1
Note: Illusions attached to your arrows that you fire with a bow/X-bow. This I agree on.
Though, with guns? You want to make your gun glow? Please do elaborate on this.
If you have a gun with the “Spear launcher” design(like the one from BRF in Draenor), I could go for visible illusions placed on the actual spears.
But IMO not for the guns themselves.

Yes please! Strong +1 on this!
Hint :slight_smile: : [Suggestions updated] Pre-Legion Survival [4th spec]
As the title of the link says, I wouldn’t want it to replace the current melee Survival spec. Why? It does not need to be a case of “either-or”. We can have both.
What we need to do is convince the devs that getting another separate spec is justified due to it’s unique fantasy/playstyle compared to the existing hunter specs.

Besides, as far as the current Survival spec goes. I decided to write down some thoughts of my own towards what I would like for it to get. Did this yesterday.
Here’s the link:

Why suggest the things I did for it? I believe that having a spec that tries to be both melee + ranged at the same time, doesn’t allow for a lot of players to like it. At least not compared to what it could, if focusing on one of those playstyles.

Tracking anything at all can at times be a bit…messy. The minimap does not allow for great visual details. It’s fairly small so if there are a lot of stuff you track, they get clumped up quite a bit.

+1 on getting some better way to distinguish tracking players from npc’s.
+1 on getting color specific visuals when you track herbs(as in herbs have different colors, or even icons), the same goes for Minerals/mining nodes. etc.

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First off, thank you for replying.
Second of all, I don’t mind having a french version of your replies, I just did it cause well, I know that both of french and english speaking hunters will want to give out their opinions !

Now, you emphasized a lot on the survival spec which is a whoooole other topic and it I will focus on it in a few days on a new post, and certainly check in on your thoughts.

Also, as I can see you were very specific about the whole illusions etc.
Concerning the quivers, wow. Come to think of it, why the hell can’t we actually see some nice ones. Damn right. +10 on that ! Even have the option to make it appear or not by going to the “transmog dude”.

Yes, I would love to make my riffles glow, back in WoD, you actually had the opportunity to give the illusion “Berserker” (correct me if I’m wrong) on the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle .

I don’t see why not.

Any how, I’m hoping other fellow hunters will want to bump this topic up, just send out +1’s and hope some, with all due respect, Game Dev, will answer me !

Feign death + Disengage + Nitro-Boost

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Idd I was, I’ve been quite vocal(in terms of writing), about my opinion on design choices made in the past regarding the Hunter class. Specifically on the subject of the beloved ranged Survival spec we had up until Legion. And what can be done going forward to make as many as possible happy.

The reason for bringing it up here was mostly in response to your comment in the original post.

(which btw please give us the old spec back)

Secondly, I wanted to get the suggestion for a 4th spec option out there before we might see the usual Ranged vs Melee-discussion start within this thread as well. Which usually is the case whenever someone brings up the subject of Survival(spec) for hunters.

Changing the minds of the devs that we should get that 4th spec, might not be the easiest thing to do. But it would be the best option, in order to keep as many players happy as possible.
And something that is a guarantee, is that, as long as this game continues, there will be those(hunters or others), who will keep requesting the return of that old DoT-spec.
Why? Because, like me, they loved that playstyle.

But, let’s leave it with that for this thread.

I would say that it’s because, when we last had quivers for arrow-based weapons, the quivers themselves were actual physical items that you had on you(as part of your inventory).

When they removed ammo from the game, there was no longer a need for physical quivers to be carried, and that, at the time meant that we would no longer have the visual of carrying one either.
If my memory serves me correct, the only time since then that we’ve seen visible quivers is through the artifact bow from Legion.
They specifically designed that artifact with an additional attachement(in the form of the quiver) in mind.

Now, I’m no programmer myself(or game designer), but I would imagine that, as it stands now when we have no need to carry physical quivers on us, if we want the visuals of carrying one, then they(the art design team) would have to modify every single bow/x-bow in this game so that the model itself comes with a quiver.

Maybe it is easier than that, I don’t know. Although it wouldn’t surprise me if this is what’s required.

Something I’ve been thinking about is, what if they add in another “equipment slot”. Like what we had in the past for ammo. But instead of dragging ammo to that slot, we have actual quivers that we place there.
I remember many quivers in the past had certain effects on them that you gained when equipping one. The same went for ammo pouches. Such as an increase to attack speed etc.
I know that they removed a lot of these bonus-equipment in the past such as Sigils or Librarms etc.
But as far as catering towards the fantasy and immersion of a class, I would say that Quivers or Ammo pouches is about on top of the list of things that you need.

At least an upside here would be that they did not have to update every single weapon model to add in the visible quivers/pouches.

Don’t remember if this was the case myself. Never looked into it during WoD.

And honestly, sure, add illusions for visible glows and effects to any arrows or spears seen with your weapons. But adding glowing effects to the weapon itself, it makes little sense to me.
If it’s a melee weapon, sure, but a gun? Or a bow/X-bow? I’d say it depends on the actual weapon.

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fish/mineral/herb nodes getting a different icon is long overdue

differentiating general npc humanoids from player characters would be a welcome change

it would even be better if rare mobs and chests (star icons on minimap) were made to OVERLAP on top of every other indicator, because in new zones it is easy to miss a mob on long respawn because the minimap indicator is drowned in hundred yellow and red dots

or either make all icons smaller, currently it is a clusterf*** when you must mouseover every little icon to see if it is a neutral mob or a gathering node, it is a very frustrating experience even with bare minimum of tracking options enabled

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For minimap tracking use :
be sure to install the fix for 8.2 in the comments of from this link:

This will make enemy players red, and easier to spot when npc is around.

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Melee Survival spec one of the BEST thing in Hunter Class. Plus personaly i need 4. Hunter spec: Stalker: melee Dual-Wield spec more melee ability, less ranged, whit pet or Lone Wolf. :slight_smile:

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