Frame Status Text Bug

Hello All,

IDK if it’s just me or everybody having the same bug as mine somehow my Player frame doesn’t reveal health in any of two Percentages or numeric.

I have Turned off all addons & even the Repair game from the B’net; Nothing works, started to get annoying!

Yup not just you. Its driving me nuts.

got same problem, same as my guild members. since todays server update

Experienced the same issue, found a temp fix.

/run SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameManaBar, PlayerFrameManaBarText) SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameHealthBar, PlayerFrameHealthBarText)

After you do this, mouse over your health and mana bar, and it should be ok.
Note: you have to do this every time you log in.

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Thnx for the fix. Quite annoying that you need a macro to see the status text.
Still asking myself what they are doing at the office over there.

Perfect, I used it twice and it worked fine no need for any mouseover.

Thank you champ

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