Free char migration from kazzak and draenor

Hi we understand there are issues with these servers that are constantly crashing lagging and have totally unacceptable queue times we also noticed that you have no intention to fix the servers so can you please offer us free character migration from these realms as the game is basically unplayable not to mention the 40 min wait after launch for us kazzak players to get on, we should not have to pay to migrate from these realms due to this kind of incompetence


I only logged on to the forums to write this exact same message, if you can’t fix servers atleast give free transfer, even if we would pay for it, it would probably mean we couldnt play the character we try to transfer because the servers are so horrible and it would take forever. Leave it to blizzard to never learn from mistakes.


a blue response would be nice all they seem to do is ignore us and lock the topic with some bs generic response, a paid service should not be like this in 2020


This is just absolutely unacceptable. Merge some servers, give out free transfers. I want to play this expansion.


I’m on Kazzak and over the past hour had 30 seconds to a minute of input lag in Maldraxxus. The game is genuinely unplayable.

Even more so now as I’ve been DC’d and put the back of a 2 hour queue to log back in.



same issues here im in maldraxxus and cant even loot an item i disenchanted


Same I had like spikes with looting for 20+ sec in Maldraxxus on Kazzak. Now I got DC’d and I’ve been stuck on Logging in to game server for ages, not looking forward to that queue…


Yes Blizzard sort it out. I should not have to pay to move 5 chr’s over to a new server.


This is completely unacceptable. This has been going on for weeks now. If you can’t handle the server load then offer free transfers away from the server. I’m not paying to move 9 characters.


Once you get through the queue, the character select screen is black. I think the server is completely down now.


And of course we won’t get either the transfer option or a blue post with any form of update or explanation


and now kazzak is totally broken


I’ve got 6 characters there. Blizzard FIX this. Give us the ability to transfer our characters, because I don’t see this repeating server issue being fixed anytime soon…


All hype ruined as usual by blizzard by not making a large player base play the game. I thought I was going to wake up today with a bluepost about a free character migration but yet nothing.

Redeem yourselves blizzard, please.


Been playing all day with no issues but as soon as school/ work finishes it all goes down which says very clearly to me that the server is overloaded. Agree, Blizz need to offer FCM at this point just to make the game playable for people.


after the shambles of a launch on kazzak last night server offline so we were 45 mins behind everyone else i do not find it unreasonable to give us a free transfer its beyond a joke

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Now kazzak is listed as ‘offline’ in realmlist.

Yeah turn the server off and on again, that should fix it. Especially now with absolutely everyone trying to hit it at the same time.


all other realms i can log into apart from kazzak they seriously need to address this like asap

Blizzard should also make every guild a cross-region one. So that people from any realm of the same region could join any guild of the same region. Connecting some realms together isn’t working. This is the only solution to make realms equally populted. Because why do people pick realms with the highest population? To have more guilds to choose from. Which wouldn’t have been the issue if players could join any guild they want. Which would also make guild finder more useful.
And after implementing this we could talk about free character transfers to any realm.