Free char migration from kazzak and draenor

well draenor is still 1 hor queue ,so i dont feel like character migration is even doing anything,i think upgrading servers in a way might actually do the thing ,u know,cus like, we wanna play xD

At launch I could understand the login queue’s… but for crying out loud… it is now the 2nd week… and I see no improvement. Want to play a game?.. Blizzard says no… first wait 2 hours… I’m getting angry about this. (and I’m guessing, that we won’t be compensated in any way, because of your incompetent’s )

at the moment ??? It has been about 2 weeks now !!!

@Blizzard - why did you create this much of a population??? Merging servers, then this happend. Why do we pay you so much money and you can caculate this, normal math - 2020 year it is btw.

“Please keep in mind that opening free transfers like this isn’t something support decides or has control over.
There are indeed some problems with the servers at the moment, and thank you so much for your patience with this so far. All the teams are working to get the servers smooth and stable but this unfortunately does take some time.”

  • 12 days it takes? or more? for a such a huge company
