Free Character Moves Coming for this Region - 20 September

no thats not an option they would of course inform players about the shutdown weeks before so they dont ruin guilds and lose players because of something simple like that


This is so lame?? I cant join my friends
 No need to play now. Got this answer from gm:

Unfortunately though, paid character services, including character transfers between realms or WoW accounts, are not available in WoW Classic. Because of this we have no way to move characters to another realm- the only exception to this is the free character migrations that are created specifically by the Dev teams. Since they don’t exist, we can’t even force a transfer.

This is intentional that these are not in the game as well- Transfers such as this did not exist at this time in Classic, so they were intentionally not built into the game.

The only exception to this is the free migrations, but those are specifically set up for moving characters from certain selected servers to other selected servers. These servers are specifically selected to address population issues, are selected by the Dev teams, so we are not able to change what realm you can move to using the migration- you will only be able to move the the servers the Dev teams have chosen for your server, and they are only available at the times the Dev teams choose. If free migrations are currently not up now- check again later to see if they will re-open for largely populated reams again.

Thank you for reaching out to us today about this, and while I know I wasn’t able to give you the answer you were hoping for today, I wanted to make sure you had all the information there was on this.

This is what I got when contacting a GM:
As discussed the migrations are currently being updates and were deactivated. They will be back soon :3

Also, the GM said that a blue post probably would show up “in 1-2 days”.

Please, don’t mess this one up. Just open the migrations already. They seem to still be active on US, but EU seems to have been forgotten :slight_smile:


Earthshaker feels like the best PvP realm with respect to faction ratio. I’m so happy I moved there with my friends.

New transfers have opened in the US, i guess Eu follows soon

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Do you know if US were closed before aswell?

Sorry, no idea

Nethergarde Keep EU pretty bad situation for horde

74% Alliance 26% Horde, 66680 Players total.