Free Character Transfers Available from Firemaw

Can the retail andies that want 99% A pop move to Earthshaker please ? seems like it’s the perfect place for them.

Now for the Firemaw lock, it’s waaaaaaay too late but it’s done at least, they won’t take people’s money to wait 5 hours in queue anymore, at least.

But the list is still not a satisfying option to transfer off to AND now people who transfer can’t go back to Firemaw =)

Instead of adding servers, MERGE/CONNECT realms, balance them out. Give VIABLE options to players if you want them to use your transfer system (that you have to condition to servers health btw).

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Earthshaker is only way to go, 1-2 layers, healthy, nice ppl… I don’t know what Alliance ppl who dont care about world PvP waiting.

Cmon, that is good place to move, gogo, click, click and in few mins you are on best realm.

Who care about world PvP… Eartshaker is place for PvE Alliance, no queue, instant log… delicious…

Merge / connect Earthshaker & Golemagg and I would move there in a heartbeat.

RIP Zandalar Tribe <3


^^ This…Link the two realms and people will move there

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Today i finally decided to buy the sub (im a new player) and i went in only to find that almost all servers are dead except firemaw. Personally i like to see lots of active people in mmo, walking alone and doing quests without any group depresses me. please can you unlock it? I feel like i wasted my money

Golemagg, Pyrewood, Earthshaker, Gehennas… you have more options

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Not in the next 2 years - maybe at the end of WotLK when you are lucky.

Gehennas and Golemagg are above 85% horde dominated. Gehennas has no existing Alliance and Golemagg 904 people - Not enough to sustain the economy for an extended period of time. Both are not “an option” for alliance players.

Pyrewood is 75% Alliance dominated and Earthshaker 99.8% disqualifiying them for horde players.

So in the end you suggested to add fuel to the fire called server imbalance.

Also, as an alliance player I wouldn’t bet on any of those servers to survive. As horde the go to option would be Gehennas which however also shouldn’t get any bigger in order to avoid queues. And you will never see the opposing faction - that is for certain.

Everything now turns out as expected. The Firemaw “elitist” telling other players how to play the game while they never have played on another one that isn’t dead.

The only thing I can agree with is that Firemaw in it’s current state is too crowded. However also 50% of the population would be too much. Queue times hit that server way too late. The current population discrapancy between Firemaw and the rest is too big to resolve doubt. And the only good part is that as long as the other servers aren’t getting a fair treatment Firemaw will be in the same awful state it is right now. It is pure copium that you will see any queue improvements anytime soon.

We are not talking about faction balance here. He said that he doesnt like walking alone/doing quest without group, so there are more options besides Firemaw.

why? because 5-8k pop is a dead server? keep spreading that idea, then we’ll cry when Firemaw has 10 hours queue

Who said that? Don’t put words in my mouth. Have you checked the history of some TBC servers?

I think you need some history lesson

  1. Gehennas Alliance - On the 1st of Nov 2021 still had 5000 alliance players - NOW: 0
  2. Razorgore Overall - On the 1st of Nov 2021 still had 4500 - 4800 players. On the 1st of Sep 21 over 7000 players - NOW: 360 Horde; 0 Alliance
  3. Earthfury Overall - On the 1st of Nov 2021 still had 4200 players. On the 1st of Sep 21: 7400 players - NOW: 247

And I can go on and on. IF HISTORY IS ANY LESSON THAN A) Blizzard gives a damn about server balance and B) Even “Full” servers can die in a couple of months to weeks, if they aren’t the biggest or have some unique quirk (language, RP etc.).

And if I have to pay 25€ for every character transfer you can be damn sure that I will search for an option that won’t lead to the same happening a couple of months down the road. And what I actually said was: the servers you listed (except Gehennas Horde) don’t give ANY protection against that. If transfers would be free (yet time locked) I wouldn’t care. But since transfer costs can easily reach 150€+ it is not an easy “just transfer bro”/“there are other servers bro” decision.


Haven’t played the game since July 2021, and finally, I’ve decided to buy a subscription again to prepare for the WoLK.
My PvP(!) server Ashbringer has less than 1000 people, all Alliance, auction in the StormWind is empty.
Seems that there is only ONE balanced and well-populated server - Firemaw in the whole game!
Ok, the PAID transfer is locked, but I even can’t create a new character on it!
Like you, I feel that I just wasted my money on the 2 months subscription card.
Blizz, please do something, merge servers or open Firemaw for everyone and add additional resources.

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Balanced yes. The only well populated no. There are plenty of others well populated servers if you don’t care about balance too much.

“Plenty”, sure, whatever…There are so few realistic choices out there and that exactly caused the current Firemaw situation.

Seeking balance? Only Firemaw available
Seeking balance without queues? 0 realms available
Don’t care about balance but want wPvP? Only Firemaw available
Don’t care for balance nor for wPvP, but don’t want to be locked for eternity without possibility to change your mind?
Gehennas/Golemagg for Horde and Earthshaker for Alliance

3 realms total for horde. 1 full and locked, 1 full but not locked yet, 1 OKish
2 realms total for Alliance. 1 full and locked, 1 OKish.

If this is what you call a “plenty” of options, I don’t know.


Having benefitted from the paid server transfers when blizzard´s job (not the player) is responsible for server balance.

Let me ask you blizzard (from a 2004 player), who pre ordered Diablo 1 in 1995.

What side of this equation are you on blizzard?

part of the problem?
part of the solution?

an honest look at the current state of blizzard would yield the answer.

raise the subscription fee, and play a role in balancing the servers if “earnings” are so important.

I am sincerely a sad gamer to read comments like this from you, in this case Kaivax transmitting this to the playerbase.


VERY old blizzard fan. (sad nowadays)


Running an MMO is entirely different to Infrastructure design and capacity, which is what we are talking about.

Even at a base level of enterprise hardware you can add and remove capacity on the fly, I would be completely and utterly surprised if when designing their infrastructure they hadn’t built this in, unless ofc they are running the whole of classic on a pair of HP Prodesk PC’s sat under a desk somewhere.

You seem to think that each component ( login server / game server / DB server etc ) part is a single server - it 100% won’t be, otherwise it’s a single point of failure at each point.

Most likely scenario is they are minimum failover clustered or load balanced / failover clustered across several servers with shared storage. Which is why bolting in extra hardware can be done on the fly.


WPvP is dead at this point. I suggest going to monofactional server and play on instanced PvP instead. Earthshaker is a good one.

As I said I’ve actual experience running MMO servers that supported thousands of players at the same time and I know a thing or two about how you can’t just spin up extra capacity. FURTHER MORE BLIZZARD THEM SELVES SAID THAT FIREMAW REACHED PHYSICAL SERVER CAPACITY LIMIT, which means I’m right and main game server is actually run by a single server blade.

Your single point of failure argument is also flawed, because state of the world is updated and recorded with every server tick. Even if server were to crash, data is not lost because it’s saved in real time.

EDIT: With a bit of googling it seems I’m right(Duh…!) Blizzard even sold actual server gear as collectable items. in WoW game server was called World Server and it’s job was to keep the state of open world and process all player actions. And a “World server” is on a single server blade! powered by 2 XEON CPU’s. It’s no coincidence that concurrent player cap per server grew as more powerful hardware became available.

Please reduce the number of servers by merging/connecting. It is painful, if I can’t attend to a raid, because I had the audacity to log out 1 hour before it starts or come home after 5pm. I rather just not play at all than being forced to a server where I might have to pay again in the future and where I know nobody on.

Hello guys, i have a serious question
I’ve already contacted support, I need help with playing the game. I had three Horde characters on Firemaw realm that I deleted after paying for this month’s subscription, I wanted to transfer to Alliance, by deleting the old characters. I’m unable to make new ones, the realm is locked because the maximum capacity is reached. Now my subscription is ongoing and I’m unable to play, could you please give me some possible solutions to this problem?

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Hmmm typical