Free Character Transfers Coming to Burning Crusade Classic

Maybe Blizzard needs to open the server list, and check again from where one should be able to transfer and where to? If the intention is to get all players into 2 servers, it would be just easier to merger everything into these two (Firemaw & Gehennas).

Edit: and yeah: Noggenfogger is low pop server and it is not on the list? Why anyone would transfer from low pop server to other low pop server? Please check the list and make all low pop servers able to transfer or just merge all servers into one PvP and one PvE server.


How is Noggenfogger on the list? It’s a low pop server with a dwindling population and basically no activity whatsoever outside of raids.

I really hope it’s because they used old data from a few weeks ago before the mass exodus and that they will update it soon because otherwise this will be the final nail in the coffin for the server


Giving people the option to go to the high pop servers and leaving the currently low pop servers like “Noggenfogger” on the destination list will either cause your already dwindling players to stop playing completely, or pay you money to move to a “healthy” server… Upholding server health and populations is your job, not ours for us to buy our way into…

Either limit the number of people allowed to funnel to the big servers so the “slowly dying servers” get some life back into them or make changes to the “source realm” list.


If the population is dwindling then Blizzard won’t lose many players, will it?

Blizz you for real? Noggenfogger is a dying realm. Only a couple heroics a day probably even less normal dungeons to level alts. It is even considerd “Low” in the realm list. The auction house is dried out. Do the same as in your Phase 2 Nerf post, reconsider whatever you decided on here and put Noggenfogger on that Source Realm List. Unbelievable.


At this point Blizzards MAUs are so low losing the Noggefogger players will be a decent dent in their gluteus maximus. There’s still 1-2k players on it that’s a lot in blizzard MAU standards x)


Zandalar Tribe is being screwed in that its about 2 be a low pop server and u cant transfer out and you dont get an influx of new potential players because it has a rp-pvp tag, where there is at most 1 rp guild on the entire server. Would be nice if that was reconsidered.


Zandalar Tribe needs to be on this list. The Horde Community on that server is dead. Getting a heroic is impossible. Getting replacements for raid members is also increasingly difficult.


Not including Noggenfogger is a tragedy! Server is losing 300+ players a week! I’m done, unsubscribing from this BS


Ok so guys i really think u got the noggenfogger realm on the wrong side here … Noggen is dead as dead can be and u gonna let people transfer into this abyss instead of helping people leave it :open_mouth: ? Every1 is wanting a free transfer or bunble transfer off this blizz forsaken realm… Well not the news any1 was hoping for shoutout from Noggen


Most of the target realms have 5-300 people trying to play. Blizzard didn’t even pay attention to the server balance. Not to mention that they added all the mega servers to the targeted realms so those of us who are stucked in the medium sized realms with bad H/A ratio have no chance to enjoy the game.
I expected more :’(

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Are you seriously not including Shazzrah? May be look not only at the current population but at the dynamic of population change as well?
Shazzrah is dying fast, it’s gone 4k->3k pop in a couple of weeks and now some people are doing paid transfers out in rage of Shazzrah not getting included. It will get to 2k in no time and then it will be as low populated as other included realms.

I see it’s included as a target realm but nobody sane would transfer to it. The only way to get people transferring to such medium dying realms is to NOT include high-pop realms to the list of the target realms, which is not the case. Everyone will just transfer to Gehennas and Firemaw instead.

Please reconsider it about Shazzrah…


I was quite surprised to see that my server Noggenfogger (low) was not on the list. What’s up with that? I can’t imagine anyone would chose Noggenfogger before Firemaw/Gehennas.

I really hope someone reevaluates the situation when you see that Noggenfogger is STILL a low server. it really deterioates the experience having so much trouble finding groups for things!


Let me just reiterate. I am not cool about Zandalar Tribe being off the list. Obviously its not about its RP Label because I can plainly see Hydraxian Waterlords on the list. Horde side on Zandalar Tribe is as stale as can be. LFG Chat was literally the playground between two players for an hour yesterday. Finding any group whatsoever takes ages. Guild recruitment is down and many guilds are leaving - and if they don’t, their members do. You will add Zandalar Tribe (Horde) as a departure point. The numbers we have are 1000 people left and some of those are alts and dual accounts. There is every reason to add Zandalar Tribe to that list and consolidate the realms more.

Also shoutout to the Noggenfoggers. Sorry to hear people are being lured to their doom rather than you getting your fair shake.


Blizz — Noggenfogger needs free transfers. I have no idea how/when you got your stats but the server has gone from Full (with queues) to High, medium and now Low.

We’ve lost 3000 players so far and it’s not stopping. In the last two weeks guilds haven’t even waited for free transfers - they’ve just paid to leave.

There’s next to nothing going on here.

Please revisit your stats ASAP because the realm discord is just full of people about to unsubscribe…


Please open from Shazzrah. It is dead realm Alliance POV


You really need to consider adding Mograine in the free transfers. From Alliance PoV everyone is tranfering off making it impossible to play. No dugeon groups, no pugs, AH is getting worst day by day. 2 months ago we had ~3k active alliance players and now we are at 1.2k.
As people mention no1 will ever choose a dying server when they have option to tranfer to one of the mega ones.

@Blizzard Your low population data is old. Noggenfogger should be added to the free transfer from list. People will cancel subscription otherwise when you have so little to do, I know I will.


Open up free transfer for mograine!! Ally side is more dead then a graveyard, and it will still loose ally players to either quitting cuz they dont wanna pay to transfer off 4+ chars…


Is there a reason for which while Noggenfogger is tagged as Low Pop the realm still hasn’t been added to the free transfer list considering it’s 100% H side?

Are we* supposed to wait 1 more week until the population drops even more to add it or are just gonna let him die before we actually take action for that to no happen? People have 3-5 alts and spending 100-150 just to be able to play on top of the sub is crazy.

Or some communication regarding the plans for the Low Pop servers that didn’t make the “dead server” cut?

*By “WE” I mean YOU.