Free migration bug (WoTLK)

We are a group of 4 people trying to leave the dumpster fire that is Gehennas, our alts worked fine but our mains our stuck due to some non-existant mail in our postboxes. No one have anything in there and I was in queue for 9 hours yesterday so I had not finished any quests that could have been in transit to me. I tried again this morning but it is still not working.

I opened a ticket but got a pretty useless automated response, probably since I could not find a relevant category to start the ticket in. Anyway, clearly something is going on and we would like you to look into it, we really don’t want to miss this way out of Gehennas.

You may have to re-open the ticket if you want to give it another go, but my method’s faster and guaranteed success below.

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