I agree. It also breathes new life into old dungeons and raids. Would anyone be going to Molten Core now if it wasn’t to collect old transmogs?
I can go on deeper on this topic. But its about having your gear reflect the amount of time and effort spent in the game. Its a psychological thing that makes us keep interested and want to keep progressing on our characters so we can seperate ourself from others ( status) just like real life. Remember when you inspected someone back in the days if someone had a cool looking piece? no one does that anymore. If everyone can look badass shiny all the time, no one can. I know this is hard for you to grasp and realize but its like communism in disguise. If a housekeeper can earn as much as someone with a job that has studieded 5 years, then the higher status job wouldnt be as appealing. Notice how each expansion after cataclysm, people quickly lose interest. Put 2 and 2 together.
Yeah transmog fees are supposed to fight inflation, but all those people, who sit on gold caps, are probably just sitting on the AH all day or boosting. Are normal for-fun players really the place, where inflation should be combatted? I think transmog fees and repairs are not targetting the correct people to fight inflation imo, and if you view it as a tax, imagine a society, where people pay taxes independent of their income
This was true in Vanilla when nobody had seen an Epic piece of gear before and so they go “ooh, that’s impressive…”.
But that had stopped being a thing before Transmog was even in the game. In Wrath folk might have been impressed if they saw a Shadowmourne but nothing else had that prestige by then.
It’s the same with real life stuff. In 1950s if someone had a new car then people would be admiring it but when is the last time anyone pointed at a new car and went “oooh”, maybe a Tesla ten years ago.
And in 2008 if someone had an iPhone they would have had people impressed. But anyone showing off the latest one (even though they cost over a grand) nobody bats an eye.
So are you saying that status doesnt exist in real life ? It doesnt have to be about cars and phones, its the just the status aspect. And i do believe people inspected even after vanilla even if it wasnt just the hyper valuable items like shadowmourne.
You conveniently skipped the “Repair” cost and - putting up orders on ah - (aka; the ah cut).
It’s a lot already being taken out of the game.
So basically the transmogrifier will pay Void Elves to use their services. XD
If anything, transmog supports this, but your time and effort from past expansions is no longer meaningless. Example, challenge mode sets from Mists of Pandaria.
I do this so that I can collect cool looking pieces, usually from past expansions.
Your arguments are pros to transmog if anything…
Change it to let them summon a transmogrifier?
Claps yes!
This is actually a perfect idea.
Make transmogs free
replace void elf racial with a transmog summoner racial.
What do you mean? Don’t you love getting a new piece of gear and then having to spent 500 gold tmogging it back to what your previous looked like?
100% agree to this.
Either free or make transmog the same cost as heirlooms. 1 gold per item (if you have to put a small fee to it.)
10000% agree. Thats more then 100, so its inpossible to agree more. Give us free mogs, i spend atleast 5k a day swapping mogs
Let us be stylish
Ooo, fresh velf mains would dig this as they wouldn’t need to buy a yak
And of course, if I earn some good loot ingame when indoors… I’d definitely ask for a mogger Imagine you’re wearing a pretty red mog, and you suddenly got some weird mossy green item!
For sure. Luckily I am an engineer so I can make the Deployable Attire Rearranger
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