HELLO WORLD (of Warcraft)
We are reaching out to fellow classic classic players who wish to join us on our travels for a casual and social adventure, of quests, dungeons, chatting, banter. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and we have played since the initial launch of Classic back in 2019. We played Horde, a lot - so much so that we’ve decided to change things up this time round and roll The Alliance! If that’s your cup of tea, we’d love you to join us and introduce yourself on our discord. We’ll get the guild up and running on launch and ping you an invite and we can see what fun we can get up to together
Hope to see you there,
TL;DR: Karazhan Chess Team, Alliance, PVE, New/Casuals/Socials very welcome. No pressure pace. Raiding undecided ~ potentially none / sharing with another guild. Will raid more when 10 man ie Karazhan (funnily enough LOL).
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Looking forward to meeting more casual classic connoiseurs who are in it for the social aspect <3
Absolutely! Getting to 60 should be an adventure, not a race
gathering a friendly core of people from all parts of europe with a chill and social mindset. banter in discord is already high so join the fun and have way too many laughs before even logging in!
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Yes great atmosphere good group already!
Have joined Discord. looking forward to the journey
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Good group already! Can`t wait to get started with likeminded and chill people!
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Hype for launch, come join us and get to know us before we roll our first toons together!
Discord invite is invalid Would love a chill group to play with
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I will join your Discord after work, this sounds interesting
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I am glad to see there is a friendly guild out there that is for casual levellers. I am not sure if I will be playing anniversary classic very much to begin with, so I’ll refrain from joining for now. I’ll be keeping you in mind though
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Other people have joined after this comment through that same discord link, can you try again if you haven’t yet succeded? Otherwise I can try to ping our GM to send ya a new link just in case ^^
I was just brain dead. Loving the guild so far
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Bumping this to say we’re still welcoming new casual and social players, feel free to join us and chat in game or on discord