[Fresh] [EU PVP] Looking for friendly guild

Looking for a semi-casual friendly guild to level, raid, pvp and have fun with on Spineshatter. I’ve been playing since vanilla (almost 20 yrs), and still play retail as well. I played a bit also with SoD and HC, and the classic, tbc, and wrath re-relases. Character is a warlock. Not interested in racist/sexist, etc. guilds.

Please let me know if you think your guild would be a good fit or have more specific questions :slight_smile:

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My guild could be a good fit for you. You haven’t mentioned whether you play on Horde’s or Alliance’s side though :stuck_out_tongue: We’re an Alliance guild.

If you’re interested, just message me directly either on Battle.net or in-game - my character’s name is Guillhelm :slight_smile:

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