Fresh Holy/ret paladin LF raiding guild

Looking for raiding guild that raids 2-3 times a week, would like a guild goes into mythic clearing as much as possible. not looking for guilds on dead realms.
Been playing since vanilla off and on since then, playing different characters, been a main dps but would like to main holy as I would like to change up the pace.
Would want to main healing and offspec ret for dps where less healers are required. can tank aswell but little experience in raids.
Ally/horde doesnt matter as long as the guild looks promising

Hey there, were a small horde guild on Twisting Nether. Here’s our guild post if you fancy reading it :smiley:

Hi there! I am one of the officers for Wrath of Wisdom on Shadowsong (Alliance side). We’re a semi-casual guild that has been around since vanilla, and we’ve gotten curve and about a quarter to a third of the kills on mythic on every tier since legion. We raid three times a week, and at the moment we are 8/8 heroic 3/8 mythic. We also regularly clear 10+ and even 15+ keys. Feel free to look us up on wowprogress or raiderio. We have a strong sense of community, and theres usually people online doing stuff at almost any time of the day. If this sounds interesting, feel free to add me on bnet at arythm1a#2722. Hope to hear from you!

Hey there, we are AOTC and just started progressing mythic;
I will paste our recruitment thread message :
[A] Ravencrest [EU]
8/8 Normal 8/8 Heroic
Currently seeking more players to join our team, we are looking to push as far as we can each tier, we do have some classes in mind which may come ahead of other roles (listed below) but we are open to all recruitment, however as it stands are more preferable to ranged. We are a social guild who communicate a lot many of our main team have raided together for years and we tend to do a lot of content besides progression raiding such as; Mythic +, alt runs, even an occasional drunk raid night to blow off some steam, all are welcome not just raiders there are spots for socials too, however socials will be taken into raids after the progression team has successfully completed curve. All are welcome

Prefered roles
-DPS Ranged (Hunter, Mage, Priest)
-Healers (Paladin)

Progression Raid Times
Wed & Thurs- 8:00pm-11:00pm (Eu)

If you like what you’re reading drop us a message either on discord or in-game.
(Bnet)Carl#2377 / (Discord) Carldf#2004
(Bnet)Gin#22349 / (Discord) Gin#1370