[FRESH] [Thunderstrike] [H] <The Righteous Few> Recruiting for Future Raids

A Social Guild for Adventurers of All Levels!
We’re building a fun and supportive community for players who value camaraderie and teamwork. Whether you’re exploring Azeroth for the first time or reliving the glory days, we’ve got a spot for you!

Raid Days and Times: (Server Time)
Wednesday: 19:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 19:00 - 23:00
We are currently recruiting all roles in preparation for raiding. We plan to raid all the way from Classic to WOTLK.

What We Offer:

A relaxed, welcoming atmosphere
Dungeon groups and levelling support
Building a raid team for MC
Discord and guild chat fun

What We Expect:

Players who enjoy the journey as much as the destination
Team-oriented players are willing to give their all in raids
Know your class and role

If this sounds good to you, please message the following people in game:
Xihunt, Xilos (Discord: xilos121, or bnet: Xilos#21762)

Alternatively, please join our discord by typing in the following code: WQ7kj8Q3mp

Join us as we prepare to conquer dungeons, raids, and beyond!

Guild is now growing nicely with some really friendly members helping each other out when possible. Guild runs on dungeons are fun, we may even recruit you in dungeon! Feel free to whisper an officer to come and join us.

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