Since i came back for the prepatch when shadowlands was announced, i was bit late for the whole visions thing in uldum and the vale.
I just learned about this mount, so basicly i was wondering if in shadowlands it will have less spawn points or stays spawned for a longer while… Because not many people are still actively looking for it in groups. i can only find vol’dun alpaca groups. Trying to find this alpaca alone is kind of impossible after all
If I remember rightly, the Uldum one spawns fairly frequently at one of several fixed points. I got it with my husband and each day we just flew a route of all the possible points and generally found it within 10 mins each day. No groups needed.
Unless the spawn is tied to the number of people in the zone, I don’t think you should have an issue getting it.
it does spawn at specific spots, its just there are many of those spots across all of uldum. It does not stay up very long either. i found it today on a char without greens. but despite it being close to the river it was already despawned when i came back.
The spawn locations are so far apart if you try to look for it without a group you generally wont find it because unless its found quickly after spawning it will despawn quickly
It can be a little annoying if it’s spawned far from you and so you end up flying in circles for a while. As I said, when I did it (without any groups camping each spawn or people calling out spawn locations), I don’t recall having to do more than three circuits of the spawn points max. It was back in January so I may be misremembering, but I really don’t recall it adding too much time onto my daily routine of emissaries, dailies and taking care of the bug pet/mount.
You can pick up all the greens you need for the week in advance and then you won’t need to worry about picking them every day, which might help a bit too.
I hope you manage to get it as it is a super cute mount!
I think the Vol’dun one will be rougher post SLs launch. Sure, you only need to feed it once. But: A) There are 10+spawn spots B) up to 6 hour spawn wait C) Same tiny spawn time. I only got it because I sat in a raid for about three to four hours doing nothing game wise while waiting for it to spawn.
Uldum one can be got if you fly about actively on your own, it’s just tedious!
yeah i know that, if just finding it once and giving it 7 of those leaves would be enough it would not be that tedious. but flying around for hours for 7 days is just painful
What’s even more painful is finding it, clicking it and it despawns on you as you are about to use the feed option dialogue.
On my last feed of it, I found it - went to click and it despawned. Then it happened again. Eventually someone called out having seen it and I got to feed it then after numerous hours and much frustration.
yeah this is why i was wondering if it maybe will be changed to stay up longer after bfa when there wont be a single person in uldum anymore to call it out when it spawns
edit: it took me more than 2 hours but i have finally found the little bastard on the char with the greens, now just 6 more times:S
It’s worth farming the greens upfront. I did this when it was new and groups were plentiful. Then had to do it twice as long because it was initially disabled as counting in raid groups. they fixed that thankfully.
Even when you joined groups you’d struggle to make it in time for some before it despawned.