That is all, thank you.
It’s working as intended. In original Cata you couldn’t transmog warglaives either.
In Original Cata you couldn’t transmog any legendaries either.
But this time you can.
So ehhhh… Not as good as argument as you seem to think it is.
Would be great if this is fixed.
In Old Cata you could not transmog any Ledgendaries, true.
So now when you can transmog all ledgendaries. Why on earth is war Glaives not added as 1h Swords so we can transmog thoose like the other ledgendaries ? its just verry unfair for all the players who has them or still farm…
And the only Deamon Hunter thing i Retail should never effect Classic Cata, since they dont even exist yet. (sould be transmogable for all classes in retail aswell, as ppl got war glaives way befor Demon hunter existed)
bumping for attention
well since we are using Legion or even later engine as the face we have Transmog and legendery transmog the Warglavies are classed as warglavies meaing only Demon Hunters can mog them
should be an easy change then
Wait you can transmog Thunderfury in cata classic ?
Grand Marshal’s staff Transmog still missing !!
Can we get an blue reply?
any updates on this???
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