"Froggers are laughing in Blizzards face"

At this point that’s just what people have if they’ve been actively engaged in the game without infinite farming. Doing all the raids every day and the daily quests etc.

Wanting to feel like you’re pulling your weight is a completely understandable thing, but that’s not the fault of people farming, that’s the fault of the scaling being so mountainously steep to begin with. A 440 ilvl player is 10x stronger than a 340 ilvl player, and a 556 player is 10x stronger again, making them 100x stronger than a base 70 character.

And that ilvl isn’t for nothing either because the content scales similarly. Mythic SOO is brutal for anyone with less than 3 million HP and the fights, while not particularly difficult mechanically, require a LOT of gear to get through.

They should’ve also reset the ilevel of their gear to a “normalized” level too. ilevel is like 70% of your damage compared to the cloak.

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Personally i don’t care, let them brag, they are complete losers and they lose all their gear in just over 80 days.

I haven’t killed a single frog, I have 2400 main stat and I don’t get the quest. Wtf is that Blizz?? :joy:

Blizzard is laughing at wow player keeping busy with things that take 1 day to develop.
Give a wow player a mechanic A with a value of 10
Change A to 12. Do it for A B C
wow player will keep their subscription, talk about it, play it like it is new, farm it until exhaustion, meta will analyze everything and this is a cash cow.

Short answer : it’s a temporary mode so it’s of no concern really
Long answer : these modes “plunder and remix’ re blizzard’s attempts to try new things, learn and miss to make more new content in the future so mistakes happen. Tbh i didn’t frog farm even tho i knew about it bc i just wanted to chill and take my time besides i don’t see the use of it really bc im not planning to progress raid in pandaria however if this was a permanent mode it would be another story. At the end i see where ppl like u re coming from, i mean let’s be honest we all want to be op in the shortest amount of time to brag and for that dopamine rush however it is what it is mate. Creating alts can get u enough bronze for rewards and if u re planning to progress in remix well u will be certainly behind but all these farm spots were already known even for those that didn’t play pandaria if u only checked LFG. Nerfing froggers is pleasing but frankly i would prefer more ways for non frogger to become op and catch up instead of punishing that were smart and got ahead.

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Yep. The same opinion

Hit 556 last night without killing a single frog.

Now its mounts time !

I think i don’t care people farmed frogs. I wanted my mounts, level some alts, have fun and i don’t care about power in remix. Everyone play the way they want to. Blizzard needs to learn how to optimize a game mode like that for everyone feel rewarded. Now the bronze drop feels better and i can see i can get toys, might be some tmog AND get gear on fav alt.
Also don’t think we need to be salty towards blizz but frogs was a good lesson to them. Or i wish to believe they see their wrong doings