"Froggers are laughing in Blizzards face"

Quoted from US forums:

All over the forums, the subreddit, and in game, you can see people who amassed large amounts of bronze from Gulper frogs, absolutely bragging and flaunting the fact that they still have their 556ilvl gear and are still literal gods compared to the rest of the playerbase that didnt cheat.

Most people wrongly believe that the cloak nerfs took care of the froggers, but it didn’t.

Actually, it hurt the people who barely did frogs, a lot more than the people who did them for multiple days in a row.

The people who barely did frogs got flagged as froggers and had most of their honestly earned stats wiped, and missed out on 40k bronze.

The players who grinded it for days, are laughing in blizzards face and STILL doing 100x more DPS than anyone in the raid because of the large amount of bronze they acquired and spent on 556ilvl gear across the board.

Let me be clear, the cloak is MAYBE 10% of froggers power,

The REAL GODLIKE power comes from their fully upgraded ilvl gear, that they got WEEKS/MONTHS before it was intended, and STILL HAVE IT, and are BRAGGING about it as we speak.

I dont know what is going to be done if anything,

But please, stop believing that the nerf to cloaks did ANYTHING at all to combat the people who cheated their way to full max upgraded gear.

They are laughing in all our faces, and Blizzards.

What are your thoughts on this?


Its a lesson blizzard has to learn for the future.
Remember, blizzard has no experiences with MMORPG’s. this is the first time they did something like this.

There is bound to be some hiccups to work out.
Next time, nerf hyperspawns before they happen.

Honestly the game more is fun and a few farmers are not going to ruin this for me.

I do think they should have seen this comming and i do think blizzard needs to increase the bronze spawn a bit but overall. I’m fine


Y’all know the gear is capped and there’s no PvP right?
Play as intended and you’ll get what you want.

Don’t let Brain Frog consume you


As i’ve written in the other thread, as someone who farmed a medium amount of frogs and is currently at 514 item level, they should substantially lower the gear upgrade cost to allow non farmers to catch up quickly.


My take a way from this incident.

Most complainers are just lazy to upgrade their gear


People are overexaggerating this entire situation.

Froggers having the power that they do affects nothing except for “My runs go too fast and efficient in this mode that was made for fast and efficient runs”.

This isn’t meant to be “Mists of Pandaria Classic”. This is a silly side-game mode for Retail in where you’re SUPPOSED to become insanely overpowered.

Heck, the power that Froggers have, is literally the eventual intended end-goal that players were supposed to hit, in the first place.

Sure, you could make an argument for that “it’s too soon”… but who cares, really…? It’s not a big deal.


My take away from it was they expected 10k free stats and 2mil free bronze.


My thoughts are that people blame froggers too much when they should be focusing on blizzard since they knew about this “”“”“exploit”“”“”" in advance from the PTR.
They do not test their game and they deem hyperspawning as something against the rules.
When you put player power behind such an expensive paywall of currency that is also used for COSMETICS FOR SOME REASON do not be shocked when people try to find workarounds.


crazy how remix was advertised as Overpowered.

and then you get lazy players having a mental breakdown because they are weaker than people who spent hours grinding their way to the top.

and now that bliz has done the Nerf it is the lazy bums who are the ones laughing at the farmers for finding other ways to play the game.

we shouldn´t even have this sort of argument on how to play this mode, yet here we are, sharing opinions with our Saiyan egos which ends up not solving anything other than likeminded team points.


This. If they want to equal out the playing field they need to lower the upgrade cost for gear. The cost for mogs and mounts is fine imo but its near impossible for those that cant play every day to ever catch up and be able to get the title without making a group and get hardcarried.


I think they should have hit their gear back to 346 as well and given us a lot more bronze or increased it by 75%.


I don’t care.

Kind of sick of people starting new topics about this over and over.

It really didn’t need so many different discussions.


Whilst the cloak itself is going in the right direction, it practically does nothing to froggers and instead hit plenty of people more who did a small amount of farming.

Froggers are still running round with max gear, that requires 100’s of thousands of bronze to achieve, doing 3-5mil damage and having 4-6mil health.

What they SHOULD have done, in my opinion, was lower the gear levels of those who did it as well, down to say 400 ilvl. That way, the froggers would still be on the same level as most people.

But, after doing this, they should also lower the cost of upgrading gear, because it’s a hell of a lot to upgrade the pieces. That way, this who frog farmed can work on getting to that point again but others can do so as well.

Right now, I’m lucky if I don’t come across someone in the group with 3.5-4mil health doing 2-3mil damage and heavily carrying the group. Whilst it’s fun seeing those numbers and quick to clear things, it’s also demotivating.

I don’t play this game to be carried, I play it for fun and to carry my own weight. If you find it fun to sit twiddling your thumbs whilst someone carries you, go right ahead! But, I don’t pay my sub to sit and do nothing whilst others do everything.


all op wants is free progress with no effort. maybe even buy gear from real money shop.


There really isn’t a reason to take away anyone their gear at this point.

I’ve done the grind ‘legit’ and am now sitting on max ilvl gear in remix…

If you spend bronze on vanity items you won’t power up, if anything froggers have proven that investing in gear is worth it.

It’s an ARPG mode where we’re meant to do the raids DAILY.
-Vaults HC
-ToeS HC
-ToT HC (biggest bronze yield)
-SoO normal
-SoO heroic
-SoO mythic
-World bosses
-Daily dungeons/scenarios

If we’re meant to do this the OG way, every raid bosses taking ± 6 minutes where everyone needs to understand the tactics…

You’d need a very organized group for that :slight_smile:

Start investing in gear upgrades and carry your weight in raids if it bothers you so much. The only reason why Wards are a requirement is because your teams gear upgrades aren’t high enough to do the boss the legit way.


Pretty sure its not allowed to link quotes from different forums…(based on What Code of Conduct says)

Then you might as well not reset their gear because you can upgrade almost your entire set of gear once already for about 20-30k bronze.

You get 60k bronze already just from doing 3 heroic raids.

You get around 80k bronze if you do all your stuff for the day, every day.

If they do what you just suggested, you’d nerf their gear to 346 and with the 75% cost reduction to upgrading they’ll be back to 556 ilvl in literally two days.

This also kind of proves that you people don’t have a single clue of what you’re actually talking and complaining about tbh.

A reset would mean no discount but I thought that was obvious.

meaning no discount for …who? Everyone? Or only for the ones who got reset?

Does that imply that you want to permanently ruin the experience for everyone who got reset out of some sort of what, revenge?

Because even non-abusers can easily get their gear up to ilv500+. I’ve done it myself without any exploits. Why is a reset even needed at all?

Maybe read and you’ll notice I quoted someone from the US forums.