'From a guild', rude behavior

I feel like I’m living in a mythical world separate from the people on this forum and other players I meet in game.

I have pugged over 500 if not 1000 M+ dungeons throughout legion and BFA, with right now the numbers for BFA being at 400+ ( I think ) .

Most of the runs are just silent, a few his /ty or soz for your key and sometimes fighting.

Yep, subjective, often depending on the player themselves, if most of the runs you are joining are problematic and not working, then I’m sorry to say… you are the problem.

My friends play Alliance. Remember, Alliance players are often more problematic in the chat in general :laughing: When I play on my horde character, the chat is a lot more assertive and calm.

Hi, Kyrel here. I play both. :smiley: I don’t see many differences in behavior between the Horde and the Alliance community.

Glad your experience has been more kind to you :+1:
Lets agree to disagree that many people sadly have gone through unfortunate results in terms of what of community is. I mostly just sit and watch, lot of my friends are really kind people. But players can be very cruel on either side. Sadly because we spend a lot more time on the Alliance, we get the higher share of unfortunate events.

I mean you’re trying to say that the entire community is toxic. I don’t want to be too personal / step too near but if you approach people with such a negative attitude, I can imagine that they will react differently than if you just go through life with a huge smile on your face.

Sometimes, appending a :) to your group-chat message does wonders. Anyway, I hope you’ll find nicer people in future.

If you want to do some keys with nice people you can also add me btw :smiley: I have a lot of nice friends

Oh, i wasnt mentioning the WoW community only! That would be silly! I have played and witnessed competitive environment and it can heat up pretty quickly if things dont go well. Especially with extra-competitive folk, they usually end up to be pretty skilled.
Not saying that every skilled is toxic, but its pretty much expected if you want to spare some high blood pressure lol.

I do prefer to do content with friends instead in PUG, lot more relaxing even in high keys.

OP just contact an officer or the GM from the guild. That’s the best solution really. Either that or move on.

I’m not a world-top wow player. But in other things where I get more competitive than in wow, I have observed that the “heated”-heads finger-pointing (lol that was a weird auto correct) mistakes and being offensive, are usually the lower-mid end players and not the really good ones. The best ones are usually constructive and supporting.

On the forums, I was told pugging high keys is much easier and friendlier than pugging 10s for example. But I don’t play “high keys”, so I don’t know. Highest I ever did was a +16

Being offensive, are usually the lower-mid end players and not the really good ones.

Oh, believe me, there are. I know a few who are those super skilled, but they just rage omg :persevere:
I much prefer playing with the cool and collected ones.

Whats laughable is you aren’t even speaking from experience, just “my friend said…”

Out of sight, out of mind”.

Courteous thing would have been “hey our friend is here so if you wouldn’t mind…”

Even adults do get irritated with this kind of behaviour. Ppl kicking others without a reason, after waiting for more than 30 mins…

Well I am not like trying to be best person in the world but maybe this is about my personality. So far I didn’t even decline people when I even run high mythic keys (15+) and the reason is whenever I was declined, I felt bad and this is about sense of empathy, which of course doesn’t mean that ‘The people, who decline others and kick others easily, are bad people’. No.

You miss the whole point of the story. This is not about being kicked, this is about how people easily remove someone from group and insult. I can link you achievement from 2008, and could manage to be competitive in many aspects of the game throughout the years - with huge several breaks from wow. So this isn’t a newbie whining.

For those who wonder what happened, after I was kicked I whispered the leader:

  • You know I waited in the RBG group for more than 30 minutes and you kicked me without even saying anything, and said shame on you.

He had multiple replies that are non-sense and one of them was:

  • Can you tank ??? Because we need a tank you idiot.

I was the 4th dps out of 6 joined the RBG group, and after waiting for more than 30 minutes as 0/3/6, they invited a monk, and actually they joined the ranked game but one of them declined the role to activate a pvp addon. After he came back then I was kicked.

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I totally understand your point

I once got kicked from a mythic raid transmog run after we killed the first boss for no reason, and I had to wait for next lockout reset to do it again, and i’m a big transmog nerd btw, so this is a big deal for me

but i couldn’t do anything about it,i had to move on

just put it this way, there are many individuals out there that are self-centered and lacking awareness, and could care less if their actions might hurt somebody
just take it as a gift that you are not that type of person

Yeah right, I’ve never seen a most ugly compilation of arrogance, foul language and overall bad manners than when I force myself to get some runes in the dark corners of LFR and heroic dungeons.

I won’t even mention the show that is when I gear up an alt through low keys.

How do you know? You’ve never completed any of the content you’ve listed.

You can use preformed text to post links :slight_smile:
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I try, people have told me how to

But im just too freaking stupid to understand how

This would seem the most likely scenario. Either a friend or guildie.

RBGs are PuG content and the leader has the freedom to invite or uninvite as he/she sees fit. There is no punishment for this.

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Post the desired link
Like this but without the space of course
https ://imgur.com/a/o7z8mqT

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Mark it with your cursor

Step 3)
Hit preformatted text

Done :slight_smile:


Holy bananas!

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