From stormwind to hillsbrad foothills

I have this quest name: The Perenolde Tiara and I have no idea how to get there as a Draenei paladin level 40
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If you have been in any zone closer than Dun Morogh then go to the flight path and fly there.

If you haven't go to the Dwarven Disctrict, there's a tunnel that has a rotating gear around it. Go there and wait for the train. Get in, when you arrive leave go to Ironforge. Hop on your mount and run to the Gates of Ironforge, leave and follow the road to Loch Modan, you'll have to pass through some tunnels. Continue along the road into Wetlands, at North of that zone you'll find two bridges, one is broken, use the other ond get into Arathi Highlands. From there just continue along the road to Hillsbrad Foothills.

Look at the world map to find where the zone is. Also you when you're on a crossroad look for roadsigns, if you hover your mouse over them they will tell you where which road leads. You can also try to fly to Ironforge, I don't know if you get that flight path automaticly, but for a new player I would advise use Deepram Tram, It has some nice views.
You should be able to go to booty bay, there is a quest near the flight master to go to western plaguelands, us it, head south to chillwind camp then south and turn west, head down the road then north after the dead village. Head west after that and you are in the right place.
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