From the Ashes - Carnage. (Short story.)

Good morning, evening, night and day everyone!

Yesterday I wrote a short story, based on how my character experienced the War of the Thorns. Since posting the entire story here would take up too much space, I posted it on Wattpad instead!

Thank you for reading, and feedback is very much welcome!
I like your way of describing the scenes.
I can very clearly see your character and her actions.
And your way of describing scent, sound and light is very good in setting the mood :)
07/11/2018 14:40Posted by Moothilda
I like your way of describing the scenes.
I can very clearly see your character and her actions.
And your way of describing scent, sound and light is very good in setting the mood :)

Thank you so much! I try to describe the scents and sounds as 'best' possible. When I'm reading something, how the sounds and smells are described in the story is what pulls me in the most.
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And I believe you did well with it... I like details like these, they make the world and scenery come out of the story so easy :)
Thanks for posting this, this is a powerful short story!
08/11/2018 14:42Posted by Vossprey
Thanks for posting this, this is a powerful short story!

Thank you!
Well done! Very nice, my fellow druid ;)

I feel so ashamed. I read this before I posted my own ones and I seem to have forgotten to comment. I find it a delightful piece of work, though, not a fan of Wattpad, we gotta use the tools we have.

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