Frost Death Knight Arena Masterclass - The Under Geared Edition iLvl300 - WoW

Elite is 1.5k-2k these days cause all the rank ones play at that rating being paid to play on other people’s accounts to get them achievements!

it’s actual 0/10 trolling tbh


That’s because it’s not trolling.

Ding ding ding

I’ve just identified another member of the smurf booster community trying to discredit you as a troll

Ding ding ding

Dweeb alert

Ding ding ding

We have just identified Crafterpercy as another alt of Coronao

Ding ding ding.

Schizophrenia alert.


Why would I have 2 high level death knights? Nonsense

Because you can? Having multiple of the same classes at high or max level is not that rare…

But this video really does not show anything. The quality of your vids go down, sadly. Used to be quite funny, but it starts getting really really sad.

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Indeed it is, but you somehow haven’t realized yet that it is very easy to find out, what chars belong to you. You have actually also a 3rd DK at level 86…

About the video:

  • You were at ~390 ilvl not 300
  • 1st game: warlock was demo with ~420 ilvl and your mage carried through (had 435+ ilvl)
  • 2nd game: DH was afk/dc’d for like 90% of the game and your hpal had around 2/3 of your dmg.
  • 3rd game: priest and rogue had both also shltty gear
  • 4th game: Opponent DH and rdruid were even below your hp.

So either your trolls aren’t funny at all or you deserve an electroshock therapy.


Wtf is that ? 1400mmr elite players OMEGALOL #dislike #ignore

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they are all smurf accounts :upside_down_face:

you’ve wrote negative comments on every video i ever posted, why pretend like you ever liked them to make out like you have some balanced opinion, your a day 1 hater get outta here kid

listen up day 1 hater who hides under lvl11 character alt when posting on forums because his main got beat in my videos when smurf boosting :slight_smile:

my video has been retweeted by rank 1 well known US player who boosts asmongold see here:


Listen: You beat noone, I’m not hiding (you are just not smart enough to get my main) and it’s impossible that we both ever met: I play 10 leagues above you, even with low geared alts.

Because they are laughing about you. Your voice, language and the fact that you think you are someone good - in the first moment, the people think you are trolling and therefor funny (for one or two videos) but then they get that you actually mean it and just facepalm.

P.S.: Why are you still writing with x different chars? People can easily see which chars belong to you…


Queueing into forum people at low mmr is such fun. Yesterday, so before patch I queued on an alt Sub Ret MW, with two 1.8 class exp people, and got to fight against HolyPal DH Arms with PvE items, we get 2x BoP Divine trinket while our ret still has wings, as Sub Ret MW right, we can one shot the Pala anytime, right there our Monk DISCONNECTS, and so dies, and the Paladin, who roams these forums with another character, couldn’t stop emoting me (to assert dominance surely).

Most entertaining arena moment of the entire season. The reaction you can get out of bad people are, mmmmmh, so delicious !


Even funnier is that you will never meet them again because they will be stuck at that mmr where you met while you climb away. :rofl:


Yet all of you are still too scared to 1v1 me for 100k gold

Yet I offered to 1v1 your DH on another thread along with 2 other people and I’m the only one you didn’t accept. I wouldn’t be able to do it for 100k though cause your horde and I’m alliance.


I don’t think anyone is scared. You’re just too insignificant to be invested time in.


Drop your btag and we can do a 1v1.

But I only have like 10k on all chars combined :>

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I’ve dropped it before no one adds me all these idiots are hot air, @anyone for 1v1 wager hmu
