Following the feedback Warriors shared on the new Colossus Smash/Warbreaker animations, I would like to raise the issue with the new Glacial Advance animation.
The new animation added currently in the PTR unfortunately still not living up to the class fantasy the ability. Instead, it is just an updated version of the same effect that creates impaling spikes:
This is by no means bad, but I firmly believe the art team can do better. Currently, Glacial Advance doesn’t feel like it, well, advances. I think the spikes need to be more curved and increase in size the further they travel. The spell should be more akin to Freezing Blast spell that Jaina uses in Battle of Dazar’alor raid - probably toned down, but still.
There is a 2020 post by Rulord that suggested a lot of good Death Knight ability visual updates, but I just want to show his example of Glacial Advance idea:
Could we possibly get a more pronounced animation that makes it feel more impactful?