Frost DK ‘Death and Decay’ - Obliterate cleave not working

2H Frost Death Knight. Death and Decay tooltip states “While you remain within the area, your Obliterate will hit up to 2 additional targets.”, however no additional targets are hit when this requirement is met.

Obliterate only hits one (main) target when standing within Death and Decay’s area of effect. Seems like I’m losing out on a lot of extra damage and unable to take on multiple enemies nearly as well as I should be. Sucks.

Fully willing to accept I’m doing something stupid or I’ve missed something, but I have no idea what the problem is or if I’ve encountered a bug of some sort. Help!

You need to spend 1talent point on cleaving strikes on left talent tree second row

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Oh my god I see it now. I feel like an idiot, but the tooltip for Death and Decay implied I should have been getting the cleave even though I didn’t have the talent unlocked, so maybe it’s not entirely my fault lol. Maybe Blizz should take a look at that…

Thanks a bunch my guy, don’t think I would have found that. Legend.

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showtooltip Death and Decay
/use [@Zylo] Death and Decay

Use this macro for easier play

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Ooh nice idea, thank you :smiley:

the dnd cleave is such a meme and insult that they dont even bother to proofread or check the tooltip when you dont pick the talent.

I hate them.

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