Frost dk dragonflight obliteration

So, i already reported this problem on the beta, but i wanted to also make a forum post about it.

The talent system for frost benefits breath more than obliteration for some important reasons.

1: It’s literally impossible to not overcap on resources when using obliteration, the way they could fix this could be as easy as changing the talent prior to obliteration, which is pretty much useless anyway. If you don’t know that talent i am referring to, has a 20 % chance to proc killing machine on frost strike crits, this is not good, because of some reasons, 1 if you have obliteration, during the cd, this is worthless, 2 it’s only on critical strike, so outside of obliteration, you really won’t have that many procs of killing machine thanks to this.

They could change this talent so frost strike can consume up to 100 % more runic power for up to 100 % more damage. Or add an off gcd ability that uses runic power, but i honestly would prefer a stronger frost strike.

2: Breath generally has better aoe, because, breath is an aoe talent, and because breath specs into might of the frozen champion, while the more optimal choice for obliteration would be frigid executioner.

3: Soul reaper has anti synergy with obliteration. And abomination limb also. Although abomination limb is straight up not very good for frost, as it screws up your rotation.

Blizzard have always had a fixation on making BoS the BiS. I do enjoy BoS tho so never complain haha

Maybe, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t try to fix it.

And i don’t really think that’s the case either, current shadowlands tier sets favors obliteration far more than breath.

Although they generally manage to do about the same damage.

Or maybe… JUST MAYBE, they could make Oblit and BoS at around the same power level, so you could pick whichever you want and not worrying on left behind in DPS on higher keys.

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But the reason why breath is better is exactly because of the reasons i explained above.

This isn’t just about power level, it’s also about gameplay.

In fact, my argument here is mostly about gameplay, it just happens that it also leads to underwhelming performance.

Obli + DnD is better than SS + DnD…great desing…

Are you talking about dragonflight? I have not tried using death and decay to be honest.

Does it cleave obliterate?

At this moment, only death’s due does in shadowlands i think.

Tbh, if they were equal to tbe digit obliteration would be meta.

BoS damage profile by default is less flexible.

lol… Obliterate build in dragonflight its really strong… especialy for single target… bos will alwasys be better in m+ for example… but thats because of how the ability works… and btw… u can play oblit or bos … play what u like… ure not a top 1% of mythic raiders… u dont have min max at that level. play what u like both are competitive

This isn’t just about how strong it is, please read.

So what to with old good 2h Obliteration in pre-patch?

Honestly, if they want to make this kind of stuff, i think that talent should just be baseline.

Why would i spend 1 extra point to get 2 handed when i can spend it somewhere else, and get everything+1 more thing.

Unless that single talent is just so strong that it offsets 1 enchant, and 1 talent point that could have been spent somewhere else, that now has to be spent on this, it’s a massive opportunity cost. And if it is that strong, then we have other problems.

Honestly, i think in general it was a bad idea to re introduce new types of weapons for specs, like single minded fury or 2h frost. I would just rather not.

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