Frost DK LF raiding guild

Hi, looking for a raiding guild that raids 1-3 days a week, (no saturdays), that pushes into mythic clearing whats possible.
Myself I’ve been playing the game since vanilla, started raiding in TBC, since then I’ve been playing off and on seen most of the content, since Legion I havent been able to play as much as before so havent to much achivements from raids since then. played a bit of uldir then played casual after that, now looking for a raiding guild to go into the next expansion with

leave a message here and I’ll contact you if I’m interested. Cheers

Please add me for a chat.


Hey Oofsen

Please add me for a chat - tricky#2757. We might have a spot for you in VII. Now in our 15th year and 6/8 Mythic.

Look forward to hearing from you.


“Physix” is recruiting and looking for members to expand our team. Currently we have 8/8 heroic and will start mythic raiding next reset (with a bit of crossrealm help at the moment). Our goal is tob e ready for 8,3 and get around rank 1200 world.

Currently we are full on tanks and are mainly looking for healers and dps.
We raid 2 days a week on Wednesday and Sunday 19:00 till 22:00.

Besides raiding we also organize mythic+ runs and optionally normal/heroic runs to gear alts.

The guild has a history that starts at ToTc untill Hellfire Citadel!
We banter a lot but we try to clear the content within a reasonable amount of time.

You can add me on battlenet for more information or a chat!

Battlenet: Swyxia#2707

Hi! I am one of the officers for Wrath of Wisdom on Shadowsong (Alliance side). You didn’t mention whether you’re willing to faction change or not, but anyway: we’re a semi-casual guild that has gotten curve and about a quarter to a third of the kills on mythic on every tier since legion. We also regularly clear 10+ and even 15+ keys. Feel free to look us up on wowprogress or raiderio. We have a strong sense of community, and theres usually people online doing stuff at almost any time of the day. If this sounds interesting, feel free to add me on bnet at arythm1a#2722. Hope to hear from you!