The entire setup to play frost dk feels so outdated. The class performs well but it’s not fun to play at all. First of all the downtime. It’s dreadful. I’ve seen mythic raiders streaming being victim to the same thing. You press your aiblities and all of a sudden you have nothing to press anymore. no runic power, no runes. So many abilities that cost runes shouldn’t cost any runes at all. I’m in my pillar window and i have to press remorsless cause otherwise it’s a dps lost but it costs 1 rune so that means less obliterates. Chill streak is part of the tier set so I have to press it but it costs 1 rune so again more time i’ll be on downtime cause i can’t press obliterate. So many times I’m sitting with one rune and the only thing i can press is howling blast but we know no one is pressing that out of rime proc, we’re just waiting for the secod rune to refresh so we can use obliterate KM proc.
Not to mention the sheer amount of RNG involved to get more runes. Want more runes? You have a CHANCE to get runes when you use obliterate, you have a CHANCE to get runes when you use frost strike, killing machine has a CHANCE to grant a rune, while pillar is active you have a CHANCE to get runes from abilities. Oh guess what our 4 piece tier set is? A CHANCE… no wait 3 chances to get something and among these there is a chance to get a rune. You might start to think that with all these chances you’d be swimming in runes? Right? No. Cause there’s still a good deal of downtime. Stop making this class so reliant on RNG. Reduce the amount of resources (Runic power and runes) required to play it. Remorsless should cost no runes, chill streak should cost no runes and most importantly if you want d&d to be our main way of cleaving then you shoulud make it free as well cause we are wasting another rune for that as well. Or bring back old rune system, where d&d doesn’t cost frost but unholy runes. Give us a system where we are guaranteed more ways to generate runes. For example like rets have Templar Strikes, a 2 combo ability to use as filler inbetween and recharge our spending power. I don’t ever want to have any downtime anymore. Better yet rework the entire class. I’m not a genius of class design but as things stand now the class is in a very bad spot. It’s clunky and slow.
I’d have another 10 paragraphs to write about another set of complaints, mainly self sustain especially in pvp but that’s story for another thread.
Such an outdated spec in a game where almost everything else is moving at the speed of light. Frost dk has just been left behind.