Frost DK Talents

So, if you like playing 2H Frost, there is literally no way you can get Might of the Frozen Wastes AND Obliteration together; we’re just one point short.

Bit of a letdown to be honest, although, I wonder if it’s worth losing Obliteration for MotFW.

What do y’all think?

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So far i feel the flow of 2H frost is smoother and hits harder having MotFW over Obliteration. Since we get KM on all auto attacks crits, instead of a chance, it feels like i do more damage overall, instead of having a big bulk every 1 minute.

I can only imagine how much better it will feel once we get Obliteration and MotFW combined.

Makes sense and, actually, it makes crit a very desirable stat for us. I mean, it already was, but even more so now.

Indeed, and compared to before it just feels so much better. Especially with Icecap, Avalance and Icebreaker

frost looks great guys… at 61 yes we will get might of the frozen wastes… thats a problem just here in prepatch… but due to how the talents are aligned and the options we have… the combo with icecap oblit and frostwirm welps… is magic:)) and we will have at lvl 70… 3 diferent builds… in just the frost spec…in my opinion is the best designed talent tree that dk had ever.we can choose and play either dual wiled oblit build… like i do now in prepatch… 2hand oblit build might be the go to spec actualy. when u consider our tier sets also. and dual wiled breath build. that i think it will be the m+ spec. its really great

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