Frost DK XD

X to doubt :joy:

Looks we didnt have to wait long.

  • Frost
    • Death’s Cold Embrace (PvP talent) now increases Remorseless Winter’s damage by 400% (was 750%).

Womp womp

i thought they would nerf cold embrace alot more.
will still pump if u cant get out.

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Is this spell really so op? I didnt played more than 15 minutes after season ends.

If devs removed stun which was dk’s win condition, it should hit hard. If dk wont kill during this windows it wont be really possible to do it at all. Especially without mortal effect.

well it def hits too hard.
but its just trash design. its one button press that does all the dmg passively and as you said, outside of it frost doesnt have much.
i assume that even after the nerfs people will be very annoyed by it, especially in blitz teamfights. im not surprised if it gets gutted more in the future.

U can’t even move when u use that spell kinda useless in arena, blizz removed our stun also, frost is useless atm.

I saw (did 4 lobbys). While pillar of Frost 90% of damage is remorseless winter. Rest 10% is this 2-3 globals you have for Frost strike and obliterate. Then enemy is 4 yards from You.
Right now, numbers are so op, that’s enough to land a kill.
Im not saying its string or not (its about numbers), but basically fdk while burst can go afk which is not fun design.

It’s nerfed down to 400% on reset, not that great compared to our stun that we had before.

Its better because it is combo with other aoe stuns and it can solo people you are not even trying to hit.

Frost dk wasn’t even good. 0 reason to nerf now it’s unplayable.

Back to blood I guess :slight_smile:


why you dont talk about Un dks???


Average frost dk mains when they fail to triple kill the enemy team in the opener while pressing IBF + AMS first global of the game baked into their swifty oneshot macro :rage: :rage: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin:

What ever you say that damage is gimmick and easy to counter when you learn how. And also in this game frost is not broken in that game. Die easy and for one min he watch the game. Is a terrible design.and as soon as HP go up he will be unplayable.(Plus I saw in check PvP the data ret is in better potion than frost. 2400 already for ret and the best frost is 2250 also 1700 solo round for frost 4k round for ret)


When u can run out becouse we can’t move for 10 seconds joke if u go rip in it.

Trial of noob if u die in it means u failed to walk out of it.

fdk is still the most broken meele wtf ur on about just cause its not b tier its now ssssss tier relaxe nerfs will come

I think you will find that title belongs to fury//rogue/ww/feral this season both fury and ww need a 20% damage nerf.

Unholy is going to be good this season but frost is the worst Meele right now even enhance is going to be good this season .

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fdk is still busted

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Sure its busted aoe and can’t move glad u here my man.

Imagine removing aoe stun to not move.

I run in ironman put aoe up sure so fun we crap lol.

And can’t move. so easy to counter.

I am struggling to understand what you guys are trying to say. Is there a specific language barrier for frost dks?

Have you tried gripping the enemy into your AoE 5 times? Is your 90% slow applied? Also I believe teammates exist and they can help you set up your 10mil dam in 3 globals.